Podium Girls

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Full time tea drinker
Armonmy Way
Has anyone ever gone to a cycling event/presentation to look at the podium girls? Apart from those who are dating, courting*, or married to them, I'd guess the answer would be very close to zero. And that is their relevance to cycling.

*there's a very quaint word.
It's symbolic, isn't it? The only place that women exist in professional cycling is as eye-candy (and bum-pinching-fodder) for men who should know better. Imagine if Roger Federer had had his Wimbledon trophies presented by Serena and Venus Williams in miniskirts rather than the Duke of Kent in a tweed suit. That's the closest parallel I can draw.

Spot on.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Has anyone ever gone to a cycling event/presentation to look at the podium girls? Apart from those who are dating, courting*, or married to them, I'd guess the answer would be very close to zero. And that is their relevance to cycling.
No. Their relevance to cycling is that they are (in general) highly competent racing cyclists - as good as the people they're simpering at - who are relegated to a position as dolly-birds because there isn't the money in professional cycling for women as there is in professional cycling for men.


I mean in regard to the sport. Do you think after the Podium Girls facade that the genuine achievements of British female cyclists would or could be taken as seriously as they would if there weren't podium girls? I genuinely don't think they would be taken as seriously. They become secondary because within the sport itself the idea is perpetuated that women are there for the flowers and kisses. People might offer to do it the other way around but I'm not sure the same thing does happen the other way around...?

As I say, it denigrates the female sport of cycling and aside the bollocks that some people are spouting it has nothing to do with the issue of attractiveness, it's about objectification.

Actually, going deeper than that, it's about power and the lack of it that females have at the top (of sport, in this particular case).

Objectification is an outcome of that power.


It's symbolic, isn't it? The only place that women exist in professional cycling is as eye-candy (and bum-pinching-fodder) for men who should know better. Imagine if Roger Federer had had his Wimbledon trophies presented by Serena and Venus Williams in miniskirts rather than the Duke of Kent in a tweed suit. That's the closest parallel I can draw.

Tennis probabley not the best sport to use as a shining example of how women sport stars choose to be represented!


I even noticed a male scantily dressed dancer in the vid. Being exploited?

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
I mean in regard to the sport. Do you think after the Podium Girls facade that the genuine achievements of British female cyclists would or could be taken as seriously as they would if there weren't podium girls? I genuinely don't think they would be taken as seriously. .

Did I miss some specific incident here? I've not read every page of this.
If you're asking me whether I think the prescence of podium girls detracts from the achievements of British female cyclists, then I don't. If there's some other angle on this that I've missed then I apologise.
Did I miss some specific incident here? I've not read every page of this.
If you're asking me whether I think the prescence of podium girls detracts from the achievements of British female cyclists, then I don't. If there's some other angle on this that I've missed then I apologise.

No, you didn't miss any incident but I can only rehash what I've already said...it detracts from the sport, IMO, and demeans a tradition creating stereotype and the recycling of that false stereotype...

This is what females in cycling are a part of Fab, not podium girls.

download (2).jpg

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
It's symbolic, isn't it? The only place that women exist in professional cycling is as eye-candy (and bum-pinching-fodder) for men who should know better. Imagine if Roger Federer had had his Wimbledon trophies presented by Serena and Venus Williams in miniskirts rather than the Duke of Kent in a tweed suit. That's the closest parallel I can draw.
OK, I'm beginning to think I've missed a story here. Were British female pro-cyclists used as podium girls somewhere?
Did I miss some specific incident here? I've not read every page of this.
If you're asking me whether I think the prescence of podium girls detracts from the achievements of British female cyclists, then I don't. If there's some other angle on this that I've missed then I apologise.


Oldroadman - these were your words @ http://www.cyclechat.net/threads/yates-and-de-jongh-also-booted-from-sky.116462/#post-2124533

"How quick are the majority of posters to condemn, when we are talking about history which happened before some were even out of school, in what was a very different world. People had mouths to feed, no excuse I know, but often the team domestique rider (average pro career maybe 4 years) needed to make what he/she could to try and secure a better future than a job in a factory."

So I think many would offer a translation to that as: " it is ok to cheat and rob others (this dumb idea that doping is a victimless crime is moronic) to avoid working in a factory. No excuse I know but can't you just understand it. I would do it if I was in their shoes ! "

Sadly, just as it appears you wanted to excuse Yates, presumably because you spent so many years admiring him, rather than recognising what was so obvious, for so long, to so many, as his past links makes it nearly incredible to believe he did anything other than rob and cheat others of their livelihoods, like the rest of his buddies on US Postal and elsewhere, you want to excuse the attitudes you have harboured for many years, during your engagement in cycling towards females, in their use as decoration to men in a man's sport.

I know of a young girl who helped me out with some youngsters for a few months in some very worthy work. She worked, during her undergraduate days, as a lap-dancer. I was very saddened to learn of this. She had access to funding, far greater than I had when I was an undergraduate and did not need to demean herself to that extent. She took a view that , why work for many hours stacking shelves or some such other minimum wage activity, when she could earn more in a few hours at a night club. There was some bizarre logic she offered (something of the style oldroadman would not doubt approve) about how doing this gave her more time to study and so she could get a better degree. Just think about the next step in that chain, shelf stacker, podium girl, lap dancer, ......... . She got a degree. Maybe she will marry one of her punters ? Perhaps he will write in 30 years time about the form of his partners mammary glands and how their preserved shape and their exposure at critical moments, has enabled her to advance through ( a male dominated ) life, to her advantage.

All of this is just a sad reflection on those who have managed our sport for the last 20 or 30 years. Someone will no doubt be able to recall the idiot UK promoter in the 1970's who hired a bunch of girls to ride topless on bikes. We desperately needed to move from that position to one matching say, triathlon. Certainly those at the top in the last 10 or so years have done very little.
Most interesting observations. Others may have their opinions as to whether they concur with conclusions that appear to be drawn. Enjoy adding 2+2 and getting multiples of 7, an interesting trick when attempting to arrive at a conclusion which is desired rather than an ouitcome which may not fithe expectation.


OK, I'm beginning to think I've missed a story here. Were British female pro-cyclists used as podium girls somewhere?
Er, not to anyone's knowledge who has followed the sport for some years. Some names would be interesting, but I fear they will be challenging to locate. There's a difference between what someone wants to believe versus actual facts.
OK, I'm beginning to think I've missed a story here. Were British female pro-cyclists used as podium girls somewhere?

No you haven't missed anything and I've tried to say that's the case FF.

Perhaps you are lacking the connection between a sport which on the one hand has within its ranks many excellent female riders and the same sport that denigrates all women in one pointless act, achieving nothing but stereotyping...

...are you happy with that in the sport you love? I'm not, especially given its pointlessness when the same sport is trying to bring in more women to the sport. Those efforts - bringing in more women to the sport - may become pointless given this ridiculous, archaic act. That is all.

And is it really worth it?

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
No, you didn't miss any incident but I can only rehash what I've already said...it detracts from the sport, IMO, and demeans a tradition creating stereotype and the recycling of that false stereotype...

This is what females in cycling are a part of Fab, not podium girls.

View attachment 21996

You don't need to rehash any more I understand your view. It's that I don't agree (yet)with the detracting from the sport bit.
I can't say that I remember any of the podium girls or flower-presenters of most kinds of events, podium girls/guys/dignitaries/goats whatever don't impact my view of women and their achievements in sport.

And please don't patronise me about not knowing what women in cycling are a part of, having spent a lot of effort in supporting and growing womens cycling locally. First women-only ride of the season this morning.
oooh, caption competition - I think that move is called the slippery squid
A picture that causes outrage, you decide to make fun of? Really? After everything your friends have said in this thread you pull this one out of the bag?
You reek of desperation and to put it bluntly are about as funny as cancer.
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