Russell Brand Dilemma

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Nope - Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him, Don't like him and ..............I don't like him.


Über Member
Is he an escapee from Big Brother or something? What a dumb little prick he is! :wacko: Makes me feel ashamed to belong to the same race as him!


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I heard it on the radio....I really worry about Americans you know.....oh you can't take the 'hiss' out of the President....what..........!!!

They are a very scarey bunch of folk.........

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Fossyant said:
I really worry about Americans you know.....oh you can't take the 'hiss' out of the President....

To be fair, we are citizens subjects of a nation whose press devoted many outraged column inches to complaining that the Australian premier touched our queen's elbow not so long ago.

Mr Pig

New Member
I don't like him either, but at least he's free to stand up and say it.


New Member
Wallsend on Tyne
John the Monkey said:
To be fair, we are citizens subjects of a nation whose press devoted many outraged column inches to complaining that the Australian premier touched our queen's elbow not so long ago.

They did what!!!!!!!!!!!!
War it's the only solution. Australians what are they good for? Absolutely nothing! Well except sport and stuff obviously.


the day RB makes me laugh will be the day I hear he is dead! (hopefully won't be too long now :wacko:)

I have watched his shows several times and just don't get it.
Totally unfunny.
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