Russell Brand Dilemma

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Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
I'm not a teenager!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New Member
I don't like him. He comes across as trying too hard to be different but occasionally, just occasionally, he comes out with a gem line.

But then again, I never found 'The Office' funny... so who am I to say what's funny and what's not! And, to use one of my favourite phrases, the world would be a boring place if we were all the same.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
I have to say, I quite like him (Russell Brand), but it's probably mostly due to only ever seeing him in small doses. Although he and Noel Fielding were hilarious on the C4 end of the year quiz a couple of years back - the first time I'd seen him. It was the way the pair of them went out of their way to get the wrong answers I liked....


I like him.


He has his uses. I recall listening to his radio show whilst driving home from an audax earlier this year and keeping myself awake by repeatedly shouting "you f***ing twat" at the raido. :biggrin:


Started young, and still going.
Noodley said:
He has his uses. I recall listening to his radio show whilst driving home from an audax earlier this year and keeping myself awake by repeatedly shouting "you f***ing twat" at the raido. :biggrin:

His saturday night radio show on radio 2 is Cr+p. he goes on and on chuntling on with his inane drivel. I don't like him.:tongue:

Night Train

Maker of Things
I don't like his persona, but I've never met the guy. However he comes across as overly vain and believing in his own hype to the point where he probably didn't realise that he would cause offence, believing that he is 'loved' enough to get away with it.

Look how the Americans dealt with their own when the Dixie Chicks apologised for the Iraqi war and said that they didn't vote for Bush. Radio stations refused to play their music, shops destroyed their CDs, American people sent them death threats!

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
Arch said:
Although he and Noel Fielding were hilarious on the C4 end of the year quiz a couple of years back - the first time I'd seen him.
Noel Fielding *is* funny though - I wonder if Brand was merely basking in reflected amusingness there.
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