Show us your.......newbie progress! [4 Sep 2012 - 4 Oct 2014]

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This hurt,
I couldn't even get to any sort of sprint at the end, but I did take 10 mins a few miles before it.
7.5 miles in 28m16s ' 16mph
343ft elevation mainly in the latter half
cad 87rpm,
h.r. 148bpm, 83.14% of max H.R.
thats something new I can work into the database. So I think I was working quite hard, though apart from being tired it didn't feel it.

Still in two minds about the gears, sometimes I was thinking yes, and then a couple of times no. I can get a Stronglight for £13 or so to see if it works, its just a basic aluminium ring, if it works they do another at just over £20 when that one wears out.
Here you go 20 miles 1700 ft with some 12%+, it would definitely kill me, but does include the Cafe in the Woods at about half way at the highest point on the Chilterns.
Might give it a go in the next week or two.
Have done similar in my recent South Downs ride, should be manageable (provided I pace it sensibly)


It's always satisfying to climb a decent hill :smile: I found this guy's advice quite helpful.


I'm not particularly into sports science or ought but I found it an accessible video and the tips where useful to me.

Watched this video Saturday then tried a few of the pointers out on Sunday. Really felt better than previous rides and got a pb up Beacon Hill.


Senior Member
Has anyone got any idea why Strava is giving me hardly any trophies? On Sunday it gave me none on a route I'd never done before, my mate got 66.

Tonight we did our normal 20 mile training loop in reverse, so I should have gotten PB's for all the new segments but all I got was 5 trophies including an 8th overall. My mate got 28 trophies riding at the same pace.

It's the iPhone app, and up until now has been fine. I've checked the map and the gps hasn't gone off course at any point so they should all have been recorded - the segment times are there just no trophies.
Has anyone got any idea why Strava is giving me hardly any trophies? On Sunday it gave me none on a route I'd never done before, my mate got 66.

Tonight we did our normal 20 mile training loop in reverse, so I should have gotten PB's for all the new segments but all I got was 5 trophies including an 8th overall. My mate got 28 trophies riding at the same pace.

It's the iPhone app, and up until now has been fine. I've checked the map and the gps hasn't gone off course at any point so they should all have been recorded - the segment times are there just no trophies.
Trophies you only get for a top 10 place, first time you do a segment it doesn't show as a p.b. Do a segment two times and it will even if its 2nd best, sometimes when you have more than 3 best times, even a pb sometimes doesn't show, its happened a few times to me, I do that many segments unless I know i have improved since the last time I did one I really dont take much notice.
It shows 4 p.b.'s (one the 8th place) and a 2nd.
Failing everything else delete it and upload again, you did save to your computer didn't you, never mind down load the gpx, to you comp, make the one you did private and try uploading the gpx, I take you did manually check to see if they are faster, times.

Edit i take the last one back, I counted at least 5 not showing so I presume there are more.


Senior Member
Ah right, I never noticed before that you need to ride a segment twice to register any achievements! It's still not right though that my mate got 66 on Sunday and I got absolutely none.

I only have iPads and ran the iPhone app to record the ride so it's just synced from there. I've emailed strava the links anyway for them to have a look at and see if anything is missing.

Thanks for the reply!
Ah right, I never noticed before that you need to ride a segment twice to register any achievements! It's still not right though that my mate got 66 on Sunday and I got absolutely none.

I only have iPads and ran the iPhone app to record the ride so it's just synced from there. I've emailed strava the links anyway for them to have a look at and see if anything is missing.

Thanks for the reply!
No problem, you should still be able to download the gpx to the ipad though, I just back everything up, comes from having over 30,000 images I guess


Legendary Member
Has anyone ever done the Wiggle French Revolution? Am doing the epic 75 mile route in about 6 weeks and I really should have got out a lot more I think!

Just wondering if it's going to be a long long day lol.
You can still fit in a fair bit of riding in 6 weeks. Get your skates on.......well maybe your cycling shoes would be better! :laugh:


Legendary Member
The sun work me up this morning, makes a nice change!
I don't like spending money but I Finally ordered the new wheels.
I hope they get here quick:rolleyes:
You will like them over the stock wheels, I was in two minds between them and the RS10's last year, I did notice an increase in speed of around 1mph, but my wheels were past there use by date. My wheels weighed 2200grms suspect yours might be similar so its quite a saving, about 15% on your wheels.
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