Society's ills.

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New Member
tyred said:
Ban tabloid newspapers from filling all their space up with non-stories about people who are celebs for no obvious reason.
Just added a bit to that ^

I'd get people out and about more: go for a walk, or a ride. Enjoy being outdoors.


Work in progress
Minimum pricing for alcohol
Transport strategy taken away from government and placed into a national transport infrastructure company so they can plan things that take over 5 years foresight.
Laws we already have are enforced.
Legislate the use of the word celebrity.
Public funding of the media so they actually become investigative and quality journalism rather than a sounding board for PR companies.
Invest heavily in renewable energies.
School buses


Kirstie said:
Excessive cuddling becoming a social norm...

Is that just a passing comment, a statement of what is at the root of society's ills or a solution thereto? If the latter it sounds entirely reasonable and I'm at the front of the queue. ;)

just jim

  • Ban all advertising to children
  • Ban alcohol advertising
  • Proper guidelines on food packaging - don't leave it to the food industry
  • One day of the working week given over to physical, cultural and spiritual development
  • Proper haircuts with side partings


Corn Fed Hick...
tyred said:
And how do I buy a new bike if I'm not allowed money to pay for it:tongue:

Nick it - unless that's one of society's ills of course! :wacko:


Actually I don't think society is broken... Its just changing.

Although I still like the idea of less computer games and more competitive outdoor play/adventure for kids and adults alike.


* Introduce the requirement to apply for a 'pregnancy license', in the same way that you have to apply for a marriage license, planning permission for extensions, etc. Anyone that is found to be pregnant, or to have got someone pregnant, without a license, faces criminal proceedings and the baby taken into care. Repeat offenders (including the father) to be sterilised.
* Ban driving to work under 5 miles, in fact ban driving anywhere under 5 miles, unless you have a load to carry
* Ban driving children to school
* Ban smoking
* Bring back the cane in schools
* Deportation to be used as a criminal punishment, even for non-immigrants (the destination country to be chosen by the victim)
* All insurance companies and mobile phone companies to be nationalised
* All banks to be split into retail/deposit and investment, and the retail/deposit side nationalised
* Certain additional restrictions to be placed on the agriculture industry
* eBay and PayPal to be nationalised
* No special category for driving offences, so e.g. running someone over would be classed as GBH.

Some of the above are slightly tongue in cheek as they would not stand much chance of being implemented but what would?! Anything that would, would already have been done.

All the above would be guaranteed to have nothing but benefit on society!

Chris Sirrus

New Member
Killing absolutely everybody human being on the face of the planet.

It would get rid of the ills of society but has the ugly side effect of getting rid of society too.
bonj said:
* Introduce the requirement to apply for a 'pregnancy license', in the same way that you have to apply for a marriage license, planning permission for extensions, etc. Anyone that is found to be pregnant, or to have got someone pregnant, without a license, faces criminal proceedings and the baby taken into care. Repeat offenders (including the father) to be sterilised.

Oddly myself and my BIL had a discussion on similar lines the other day. Our solution was to give anyone who volunteers to be sterilised a new car. It would be females only as you only need 1 male on a sink estate to undermine the scheme. Would also help out the recovery of industrial sector, and fear not fellow cyclists, the extra cars on the road would be a temporary inconvenience in many cases as checking the chavy element a few months later would reveal no insurance so the car could be crushed.
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