Stuff that happens as you get older

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Puzzle game procrastinator!
Lost my hair as I turned 30, just saying ..... :becool:
I remember a boy at school being 50% bald by the age of 17! :eek:


I used to go downhill like the clappers but now I have slowed right down as I say to myself : " If my brakes fail, I'm dead." Coming down the Great Orme a few days ago, there is a 20% slope. I walked it .
Sure sign of getting older and fully aware that life is precious.

Couple of years ago we rode Wrexham to Llandudno (and back the following day)

When we got there the younger ones rode up the great orme to finish the day off, I myself went to my hotel for a hot bath!


I find as I get older (and ignoring all the neck and back problems) that I have to be much more planned with my food and drink around my cycling.

I used to ride all day with just a bottle of water, now I have to eat a proper breakfast (usually porridge) and then snacks/gels throughout the ride and have regular electrolyte drinks otherwise I bonk after an hour or so.
If I do that I can ride all day


Well-Known Member
Well at 81 having returned to regular cycling after a very lengthy gap (1980s) the pleasure is there. But..... you have ride within your limitations: you tire very easily, hills - accept that even moderate ascents are more than just difficult - and distant rides now translate to less than 20 miles.

The bikes are: a 20 year old Genius Volare, a Ribble and of
late an Orbea-Gain M20. The latter being an acceptance that a little assistance is needed on anything other than on tarmac and traversing minor gradients

So if you 60 year olds see me wobbling around the New Forest back roads - wave, & just think "I've got a other 20 years in me" and enjoy your life and the ride


Legendary Member
Accra, Ghana
I'm sure you'll be absolutely fine @Mazza24 Just take it at your own pace.
I'm very jealous.
You should have started a new thread.

All uphill

Still rolling along
So I will be a 61 yr old tiny woman and want to do Peak Tours Lejog 14 days next year, I'll train on my one day off per week plus small bits in during work days, I have 9 months to train. Is this feasible? Repeat, I am 44 kg but have always kept fit, done two tours (of much less intensity) before but 25 years ago!! Honest opinions please, hit me with it!

I'm sure it's feasible, and like @Cycleops suggest you start a new thread to get lots of good advice.

My contribution is to get your bike so well fitted and comfortable that it feels like an extension of your body.

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I lost a bit of endurance during the plague year and it's slow to return. I did manage to scrape round another 600 in June, but no Paris-Brest-Paris this year (it's okay, I've done 5). Still rolling at three-score-and-ten.
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