Stupid sayings you use ?

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Hilldodger said:
On seeing an ambulance/fire engine/police car at spead with lights and sirens going....

"He won't sell many ice creams travelling at that speed":biggrin:
I heard that one on Morecombe and Wise!

I also use that line, but when referring to Chavmobiles with window-rattling stereo systems.
Maz said:
I heard that one on Morecombe and Wise!

That's where it came from. I was trying to remember...
Generally most daft phrases really annoy me...! My friends husband is terrible for it and after half an hour in his company I am riled!


I've got 4 sisters so my folks house was always really busy when we were kids with friends.

Whenever someone brought someone into the house my father had never met before he would always say without fail. (just making the persons name up)

My Dad: So what's your name?
person: Tony
My Dad: Tony what?
person: Tony McGurk
My Dad: so where do you McGurk from???

At that point he would just laugh?


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
ArDee said:
When I was in a pub or restaurant with my father and one of the staff drops something, he always used to say "Sack the Juggler"
I say that now. It's become almost second nature, but I've no idea where/who I got it from. :tongue:


Smutmaster General
Hilldodger said:
On seeing an ambulance/fire engine/police car at spead with lights and sirens going....

"He won't sell many ice creams travelling at that speed":biggrin:
I do that too (Morecambe and Wise, as pointed out).
I also do the dentist 2.30 one.

Also, when I get home from work, I have the really annoying habit of singing the chorus from "Daddy's Home" by Cliff Richard :tongue:


When I was at school I used to work in Waitrose on Saturdays. Without fail, if an item didn't scan, the customer would go, "oh, that must mean it's free!" They thought they were so witty....


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
pinkkaz said:
When I was at school I used to work in Waitrose on Saturdays. Without fail, if an item didn't scan, the customer would go, "oh, that must mean it's free!" They thought they were so witty....

oh yes. Very witty. Ours at Iceland used to say that too...

Along with "cheap at half the price" as a expression meaing "That's good value". Well, durrr, yes, it would be half the price. What you mean is <it would still be> "cheap at twice the price"...


Über Member
Taken from a friend I knew years and years ago. Me and a close mate still use it. Whenever an ambulance/fire engine/police etc are past, we always say "Here comes the Der Ders."


New Member
If it's a nice day, I grab work colleagues by the tie, pull them up nose to nose, and threateningly whisper:

"I bet the weather presenter had his ready brek today".

I let them go when they eventually nod nervously.
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