The Transcontinental Race 2013

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Tattooed Beat Messiah
Current positions:
Kristof Allegaert: 1079.17 km
Richard Dunnett: 957.29 km
Rimas Grigenas: 853.89 km
Matthew Wilkins: 843.61 km
Mikko Makipaa: 805.57 km; -- at 08:25:24 PM (BST) 08/05/13


Rabid cycle nut
That's great! Last I checked he was in 4th but gaining on 3rd after his repeated fuel stops which looked like a European tour of McD's.


He's going a lot better now. Had a decent afternoon after what looked like a painful morning, during which Kristof Allegaert was able to make a bit of a break and put 200km between himself and Rimas!

Well done on getting through the bad patch and hope that crossing the Alps goes well tomorrow. Or tonight...!


Dog on a bike
This is amazing, I had to try hard to stop my jaw hitting the floor when Rimas told me about this. Very nice guy, fast on a bike! Also can't believe someone is doing this off the back of finishing LEL.
Although Rimas is super human, he didn't do LEL this year. This race is his big challenge for the year. :smile:


Rimas (and Kristoff) both rode through the night. Rimas went well after yesterday's bad morning. Got his rhythm back. Crossed Switzerland and is now hitting the Alps.


Meme bar
Is anyone else leaving the individual rider's map open twice, then refreshing one of them to see the orange line lengthen.. going back to the first, then comparing etc? :smile:
That Allegaert is riding some!. His stats show only 8hrs stopped, and he's pushing on hard. There must be a big sleep coming up soon, surely? (Then Rimas will sneak past him on tippy toes.)
Come on Rimas!


Good tip, 'Teef!

The average moving speeds are also interesting. Rimas' is a very respectable 23.3 km/h (14.5 mph). Kristoff has averaged 27.0! That's 16.8 mph for 2.5 days, including crossing the Alps. He's now descending at 35, so it might even nudge up...

Tried to Google Kristoff to see what he had done previously (PBP times, etc) but didn't find anything. Will try when I have more time later...


Rabid cycle nut
Tried to Google Kristoff to see what he had done previously (PBP times, etc) but didn't find anything. Will try when I have more time later...

The first thing on Google is his feat of completing the Tour de France Randonneur in a record 13 days 2 hours and 15 minutes over a distance of 4.800km.


Rimas has stopped a couple of times this morning. Looks like he has just had an hour sleeping in the sun beside a lake :-)
His strategy is normally just to sleep when he is tired, rather than sticking too closely to the conventions of night and day. Perhaps he'll have a similar pattern today - a few nap breaks in the morning, then solid progress in the afternoon and evening, and half the night...!

Whatever, he has regained his third place and will be crossing the Stelvio while I am stuck in the office!

Re Kristoff, that TdF randonneur sounds impressive but I can't calibrate it against known superhuman achievements! From the way he is going, I thought that there might be a sub-50 PBP in his CV somewhere. Not found it yet. I did discover that he is Belgian, not German, as I had assumed.


Meme bar
I googled him and discovered that he is manager of Ghent 24/7 - there are no other staff, and he moonlights on the local pedicab run... He used to work in a bed factory but found it all too overwhelming. As he did the 'TdF Randonneur' in 13 and a bit days, I suppose he thought a mere bimble of 3260km in 14 was a bit of a tap-in. Why do people always go on about Belgians being boring? After all, they have bees, buns, beer and super cyclists.
Morning Els. :smile:

Come on Rimas!
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