They're going to re-name "Britain's got Talent"

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Legendary Member
as "Simon makes money". How people fall for this claptrap and think it's about the acts is beyond me. Apparently all the acts sign an agreement giving Cowell a percentage of everything they earn from then on from stage and tv performances. That means he's (theoretically at least) getting 10% off what some nobody who came last two years ago earns tonight for his 30 minute session at the Black Horse. Multiply that by the many, many acts who've ever been on and the big bucks from the successful ones, and no wonder he can afford that dentist he goes to.

The American version is even more scandalous. Ford, Cingular and most notable of all, Coca Cola each pay $25,000,000 to "sponsor" their show. For Coke, it's a good deal as the judges are seen sipping from cans of the stuff and even the seating area is red and designed to look like the Coca Cola image. There's a perception Coke is integral to the show and apparently sales are up 35% (some think) as a result. As Cowell's production company, Syco sell and produce the show, he must be raking it in.

And still we think of it as being about Susan Boil or that little girl from Accrington crying (how many adults suffered ruinous stage fright but were denied a second chance?) You've gotta larf, haven't you?

BTW, my money's on that kid who dances. I thought he was ace last night. And his mates were good as well!


Legendary Member
Uncle Mort said:
Hmmm...You still watched it though, didn't you? :wacko:

Possible list of replies;

A) There was nowt else on.

:biggrin: The wife put it on so I watched it to be companiable.

C) I watch it just so I can be outraged.

D) It's got me hooked.

E) All of the above.

Mr Pig

New Member
I'm not a fan of the show but I don't see the problem. Music producers exploit their acts and make a lot of money, you don't say? But hang on, isn't that they way it's always been and isn't it actually better now than it ever has been in the past? There was a time when producers and record companies would cream off virtually all of the cash and fob the artists off with as little as they could get away with. So Cowbell will get 10% of Susan Boyle's earnings? Sounds fair to me, as without him she wouldn't be about to become the very wealthy woman she is.

And it's also now more about the acts than it's ever been. The audition process has always taken place, just that in the past you didn't get to see it and people like Susan Boyle would never have gotten past the studio door. More likely was that unless you were very attractive, and were prepared to have sex with your mentors, you weren't getting a deal darling.

Now the public get to choose not only which records they'll buy but which artists get to make those records in the first place. And it turns out the public like ordinary people just like them.

Yes, it's contrived, artificial and exploitational. Welcome to the music business.


Legendary Member
Holly Steel is at my son's school so we watched avidly last night. She won't win but I'm sure she (her parents) will get rich off this. I have told my son to be extra nice to her on Monday.


Legendary Member
Mr Pig said:
Now the public get to choose not only which records they'll buy but which artists get to make those records in the first place. And it turns out the public like ordinary people just like them.

Yes, it's contrived, artificial and exploitational. Welcome to the music business.

Surely you don't believe the bit in bold? Please tell me you don't. As for choosing who gets to make them, I can't really agree. The audience are manipulated to a large extent. There's no way that Darth Jackson div or the lad who pretended to be a saxaphone (!) were good enough to be in the semis but Simon must have someone to mock. There were quite a few acts who were much, much, much better than at least those two and the heffer with the tit tassels but they didn't get on and you have to ask why. Similarly, notice the order the acts perform. There's a cynical exploitation going on there and the audience are to a large extent told who to vote for.

But you are right, and gratifyingly so when you write that people like people like them. Paul Potts may have become a reasonbly successful session/backing singer given a huge slice of luck but the show's allowed him a much bigger platform than he could ever have dreamed of.


Legendary Member
FFS, of course its manipulated, of course SC will make a fortune out of them, of course even the timing of contestants appearances are rigged.
Its a money making venture...just as each and every one of OUR employers is running a money making venture, and profits from OUR hard work. Thats the way the world operates.
SC and company have come up with a moneymaking idea, it gives entertainment to its audience, it gives a chance for contestants to achieve fame they never would have otherwise....accept it or turn it over.
I watched this around a friend's house tonight. When I'd finally worked out what was going on, I thought the eventual winners were really quite good. I felt sorry for susan boyle because she looked like she was on the edge of a nervous breakdown by the end! She looked a complete mess, and IMO has a voice like nails on glass, but some people like that kind of thing!

My bro and I know one of the band who came second in last year's competition they're called 'Escala' - an all girl electric string quartet - like four caucasian Vanessa Maes. After coming second, they've made a few million quid each through record deals and sponsorship, and are set up for life. My brother (who is a professional freelance french horn player), was fuming at the money involved. He was very outspoken about the fact that the money they got paid would sort out all of the london orchestras (LSO, Philharmonia etc) for the next few years which are arts are so badly under funded. Oh well.


Legendary Member
Kirstie said:
My bro and I know one of the band who came second in last year's competition they're called 'Escala' - an all girl electric string quartet - like four caucasian Vanessa Maes. After coming second, they've made a few million quid each through record deals and sponsorship, and are set up for life. My brother (who is a professional freelance french horn player), was fuming at the money involved. He was very outspoken about the fact that the money they got paid would sort out all of the london orchestras (LSO, Philharmonia etc) for the next few years which are arts are so badly under funded. Oh well.

tries hard not to type the obvious smutty inuendo re your brothers choice of instrument and Escala. :thumbsup:
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