This Autumns' Manchester Velodromery 3/11/09 8-10PM

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Über Member
spandex said:
If you could let me know as Ill need to find out what is the best train to get.

Colly doesn't seem to have been on Cycle Chat recently. I've texted him to ask his plans and will let you know.


Re member eR
Bokonon said:
Colly doesn't seem to have been on Cycle Chat recently. I've texted him to ask his plans and will let you know.

Hi Will,

Thanks for the text. I picked it up last night. I'm glad you did text me 'cos I had forgotten about this :thumbsup:.

Not having even looked at my bike since about June, slogging around the boards at Manchester will seem like torture I expect.:smile:
However I'll still be going.
Later tonight, when I'm not pushed for time, I'll log back on and check out times etc etc and get some arrangements sorted.

I can pick you up in Leeds as per last time.


How much does it cost to Oldham?
Right that's it- bike orders faxed.

Doesn't time fly!

There's 23 ish in. Nice number.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Ok so whats the crack then for a "track virgin" How much dosh will I need for bike, hat, shoes (have I missed anything ?) , what time are we meeting and did I read something about 2 shirts being needed ? ta in advance


Rare Migrant
It's about a tenner for the bike. They only accept old style Look Delta cleats, or can be provided with clips+straps using adaptors. Shoe hire is £3 (I think). They'll lend you a lid, but they're a bit old/sweaty/grotty, so if you've got your own, I'd advise bringing it.
I'm aiming to get there by 7.15pm at the latest so I've plenty of time to get changed, stretch etc. before we get onto the track at 8pm.


Rare Migrant
Oh, and the 2 shirts thing - they advise wearing a base layer. If you stack, then the 2 fabric layers slide over each other, lessening the risk of friction burns to your skin.


Active member of Helmets Are Sh*t Lobby
Thanks Landslide, will I get away with a set of fingerless specialized BG mitts as "track mitts" or is there really a difference


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
4F said:
Thanks Landslide, will I get away with a set of fingerless specialized BG mitts as "track mitts" or is there really a difference
They should be fine - I have worn fingerless each time.

Edit - Shoe hire is about 4.60 from memory.
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