UKIP's policies

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It's a bit more complicated than that...
UKIP are popular with those of us wanting to leave the EEC. I will vote for them.
Wouldn't it be more logical to vote for the Conservatives? They have a sniff of a chance to form the next government, and have promised a referendum which is likely to result in an "out" vote.

Bad Company

Very Old Person
East Anglia
Wouldn't it be more logical to vote for the Conservatives? They have a sniff of a chance to form the next government, and have promised a referendum which is likely to result in an "out" vote.

The Conservatives also promised to increase the IHT tax threshold but did not deliver. I could quote other 'promises' that just did not happen. I doubt that UKIP will ever win many seats but they can certainly influence the mainstream parties to take on their policies. the green party have been particuarly successful at influincing others to take up green policies.
a Sunday Mirror investigation today reveals a sickening catalogue of racist and homophobic views held by some of its biggest supporters.
They use the party’s official online “members forum” to express extremist and offensive opinions on issues ranging from gay marriage to bogus links between homosexuals and paedophilia.
Their outbursts are exposed as the party gears up against both the Tories and Labour in next year’s European elections, with its flagship policy that Britain should pull out of the EU.
On the forum, senior UKIP member Dr Julia Gasper branded gay rights a “lunatic’s charter” and claimed some homosexuals prefer sex with animals. She added: “As for the links between homosexuality and paedophilia, there is so much evidence that even a full-length book could hardly do justice to the subject.”
The former parliamentary candidate and UKIP branch chairman in Oxford now faces the sack over her comments.

Another member complained about the impact of immigration on the NHS, writing: “I am informed by past media that Black Caribbean and not Black African have a higher instance of schizophrenia.

“I wonder if this is due to inbreeding on these small islands in slave times or is it due to smoking grass.”

UKIP are scum, racist, homophobic and depressingly ignorant, no wonder bad company supports them.

Racist, homophobic, anti-semitic, Also, incredibly thick:

Steve Reed has also stated: “[‘Renewable resources’] are not renewable… Taking
energy from winds and tides irreversibly enervates the weather system and slows
the rotation of the Earth
UKIP are popular with those of us wanting to leave the EEC. I will vote for them.

I have a feeling this is posted in jest... Please confirm one way or the other.

If serious (which I doubt), please let us know how you feel about UK membership of the League of Nations.

Also, what are your thoughts on this new-fangled notion of sending men into space?


Openly Marxist
I have a feeling this is posted in jest... Please confirm one way or the other.

If serious (which I doubt), please let us know how you feel about UK membership of the League of Nations.

Also, what are your thoughts on this new-fangled notion of sending men into space?

It's worse than that. Badders is still hooked on the Horseless Carriage.


What are you basing this assumption on please?
The following gives a general idea.

UKIP are scum, racist, homophobic and depressingly ignorant, no wonder bad company supports them.
Like I said, ''I may not be getting the whole picture", but as I'm a British citizen and still have a right to vote I would want to do what's best for my country and it's people rather than believe all the empty promises made by politicians who are only interested in looking after themselves and not the long term future of the country.
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