What accent do you talk in?

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For formal occasions I do the ´proper´ Essex. :ohmy:

For informal, the lazy Essex is more prominent. :smile:

When abroad (as I have been most of my adult life) I try and speak clearly and simply, although I´ve been mistaken for being Australian many times, even by Aussies! :biggrin:


Puzzle game procrastinator!
You'd be able to tell that I come from England, but I don't think you'd know where I was raised (Coventry, West Midlands) or where I'm living now (Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire) by listening to me.

My friends in the midlands think that I've developed a very slight Yorkshire accent but I don't think that's likely because most of the people that I speak to up here aren't from Yorkshire either.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I talk in what I assume to be a totally neutral, lower middleclass, southern English accent. It's only when I went on-site to a customer in America, asked to see a Mr Potter on reception and they didn't understand the glottal stop that I realised I was a guttersnipe. Another time I went to site in Canada and one of the engineers started talking in a "done me up like a kipper" accent to me. At the time I wondered why he was talking like that.
Depends who I'm with.
I'm from Ramsbottom, Lancs, and so slip into that when I'm back home.
I then lived in Brum for 15 years and so when with my brummie friends/when in Brum for some reason I get a brummie twang.
Now i'm in the east midlands, and I can't get the hang of how they talk around here, so I just sound like I'm vaguely northern and vaguely brummie.

There's a chance I'll be moving to Scotland in a couple of years - now i can't WAIT to get a scots accent...:biggrin:
Pure woolly back Lanky NOT Accringtonian

I lived in Brighton/London for a number of years they couldn't understand a word ;) Nope I never lost my accent, I modified it a bit but as soon as I can back north to see me mam week after it were back to square one.

Hasti bin ont coyts?


Über Member

Though I can do an american accent as if they have lived in the Uk for ages.
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