What film did you watch last night?

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Legendary Member
"Kingdom of Planets of the Apes"

This is the fourth episode of the reboot series of films ("Dawn", "Rise" and "War") which I thought pretty good, having seen one on telly the got the boxed set for a princely £2.99 in an Oxfam shop. The reboot sequence starts in the present time or near future and even this one is still before astronaut Charlton Heston lands on future earth.

"Kingdom", despite having a different director has the same feel of the previous 3, and even more of the epic quality. This episode starts with Caesar's funeral, then skips on many generations to follow the fortunes of a tribe of apes. I won't say anymore about the plot, so as not to give any spoilers, but I will say a few times I saw some flaws, but later on realised, ah, I see. Impeccably constructed with set up and sometimes unexpected payoff, a real "sense of wonder" of the best sci fi, which reminded me of some of Aldiss's writing. The backdrop of the ruins of human cities was incredibly well and beautifully done

I was put off going to see it as, to be honest, the trailer looked like typical CGI heavy shite, but fortunately I read some reviews, and having seen in thought it outstandingly good and I was enthralled from start to finish.

I hope it does well, as I want to see the next one, as it's set up for a sequel rather nicely

Highly recommended and a near perfect film. I'm tempted to give it a 10/10
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Legendary Member
Empire of Light

Lyme Regis Film Society

Really enjoyed this Sam Mendes film. Cast excellent, especially Olivia Colman, but they were all good. A love story to cinema with a back story of loneliness, isolation and prejudice. Well worth seeking out. 8/10

Agree - brilliant film. Olivia C just keeps on getting better and better


North Shields
Farming - 8/10

I'm quite into films about skinhead culture and this one from a few years ago had totally passed me by. It's based on a true story and a pretty powerful tale of identity and self. A very thoughtful take more in like with classics like I.D., The Firm, or Football Factory than the laughably bad Green Street.

A couple of things I learned: the adoption of African children by British families was a lot more widespread and problematic than I'd realised.

And less importantly it's Kate Beckinsale, not Beckinsdale, which I've been getting wrong until yesterday.
Independence Day goes on a date with The Core but meets Space Cowboys for a snog behind the bike shed. The Core finds out and hooks up with Armageddon to make Independence Day jealous.

The parentage of the resultant bastard child is uncertain but we know the likely suspects.


North Shields
Monkey Man - 7/10

A very impressive directorial debut from Dev Patel who clearly knows his stuff. It's big, bold, bright and has some incredible action sequences. If you imagine an Indian John Wick you'd not be far off the mark.

I'd have liked some more of the mystical elements in there for a bit more depth but that would probably have interrupted the pacing of the film too much.


Slippery scientist
Independence Day goes on a date with The Core but meets Space Cowboys for a snog behind the bike shed. The Core finds out and hooks up with Armageddon to make Independence Day jealous.

The parentage of the resultant bastard child is uncertain but we know the likely suspects.

Not sure if this is a positive review or not. I have it recorded, ready to watch - not sure what expectations to have.


Heavy Metal Fan
Independence Day goes on a date with The Core but meets Space Cowboys for a snog behind the bike shed. The Core finds out and hooks up with Armageddon to make Independence Day jealous.

The parentage of the resultant bastard child is uncertain but we know the likely suspects.

what station is that on?


Legendary Member
what station is that on?

It's been on Film4 a few times this month. Or your local charity shop will probably have the DVD/BluRay for a couple of pence.
As it's a Roland Emmerich film, it's just some of his other films - The Day After Tomorrow, 2012, Independence Day (Original & Resurgence) - thrown into a cinematic blender.


Tattooed Beat Messiah
Rides Ti2
Garfield The Movie.
Very disappointed. I was always a huge fan as a kid (and adult) of Garfield. So I think I was expecting too much. The quick wit and the sarcasm of Garfield just wasn't there or just fell. It was also a boring story. Ving Rhames as Otto was one of the very few highlights. The 2004 version with Bill Murray was much better.
Shame. Jnr loved it though.


The Moon Spinners staring the gorgeous Hayley Mills and Peter McEnry. Filmed on Crete in 1964 with some really great locations. Hayley’s first young romance film was a treat to watch. Disney+ is where it’s at.


North Shields
28 Days Later - 9/10

At the cinema to celebrate it's 20th anniversary, which was a treat because I saw it first time around but only once on the big screen since, and I missed the first hour because of a clock change confusion at the cinema.

I'm only taking a point off what is pretty much a masterpiece of minimalist low budget modern horror which has been imitated but never bettered, because Megan Burns, who plays Hannah, is unbelievably awful.

It doesn't help that she's alongside a minute and incredibly strong cast but that's really no excuse for her sketchy accent and wooden lines. I get that she's supposed to be numbed by events and whatever, but even in the scenes where she's supposedly coming alive she's hopeless.

Other than that, it's pretty much perfect in terms of pacing, suspense, gore and treachery. The soundtrack is incredible too.
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