When is it going to stop... Raining

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67, & my GP says I will officially be old at 70!
South Cumbria and the weather dried up for a bit in the afternoon. Actually all of it. We went out on the tidal bit and played football until the wind started to score goals for one side. Lovely evening. Then rain overnight and a very sunny morning.

I guess my pocket of Cumbria gets the better weather.

Although I do get annoyed when a Salford based morning weather guy talks about how nice it is when it's raining across the northwest including where he is at Salford media centre! It's kind of an institutionalised thing that they talk like they're from London and London is the only place that exists even when they're in the wet North West England.

I really can't understand how they can say it's another good morning then go on to talk about the wet weather passing over the northern England through the morning. They're not right, puddled!

Having come from London, as it were I didn't realise how London-centric the weather forecasts are. And News in general for that matter.

In retrospect we would have been better moving to Arnside/Silverdale than where we are. Often, it is nice there whilst raining here.

Absolutely chucking it down as I am typing this.
Well, if you like Arnside and Silverdale you'll be pleased to know it went dark, started to rain then heavy rain then heavy hair, then heavy, nearly horizontal hail in the strong winds and back to heavy drizzle but a bit lighter.

That was so strange. I had to shut the curtains to work out was so strong the sun. I put the bins out and the sun felt hot it was so strong. Then minutes later I turned around and it had gone from blue skies to dark. Minutes I tell you, minutes! That's British weather for you. Amazing!
If you don't like London centric weather forecasts on the BBC, what about BBC news channel. I watched it recently in the morning and the national news caster said "and now for the news and weather in your area" only for it to go to London local news programme! Why? At other times out goes to the real local news so why not in the morning? That got my forehead vein pumping in anger I tell you!


My Armchair
Alternating between heavy rain, bright sunshine and hail in Manchester.

More ponding in the garden than I've seen in the last 10 years.

I managed to get the lawn cut yesterday thankfully, was almost knee high!

We have been pondering a night or two away in the tent, might wait a few more weeks!

Ming the Merciless

There is no mercy
Inside my skull
More ponding in the garden than I've seen in the last 10 years.

The frogs will be happy
I managed to get the lawn cut yesterday thankfully, was almost knee high!

We have been pondering a night or two away in the tent, might wait a few more weeks!

If you try that round here at the moment then you will be away IN the tent!!!

I did manage to cut the back lawn a couple of days ago - good job I did as it was getting long and I am trying to encourage it before deciding to just re-turf it or not!


Stubborn git
It's been banging it down here today.

Increddible to see it go from sun and blue skies to really dark clouds and lashing it down in only a few minutes. Then the sun comes straight back out.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
I managed to get the lawn cut yesterday thankfully, was almost knee high!

We have been pondering a night or two away in the tent, might wait a few more weeks!

I'm tenting for 3 nights from Thursday. Wish us luck ! The campsite has already warned everyone it's wet and you may get stuck. I'll leave the car on hard standing and 'cart' the stuff over to our plot (assuming the cart will fit in the car with all the stuff).
Wind has died down for now, and rain left off - gonna attempt a walk into town.

Returned home after couple of hours mooching about, no rain, strong wind. BBC weather site is pretty useless, seems to err on the side of caution, showing strong likelihood of rain when in fact it's mostly sun with the odd cloud. Maybe they're afraid of another Michael Fish episode.
Anyways, Ventusky seems a more accurate site, least in my experience.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
The frogs will be happy
They like it so much here that there are warning signs that our lanes are made lethally slippery by frogs!!

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