windows 10 stopped working with printer?

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windows 98 is no good with todays internet, get a copy of win 7 , you might have difficulty getting your pc to boot from dvd as windows ten will override any attempts to install another operating system but it can be done. You will need to access the bios settings to change the boot settings, follow this guide and change the boot settings to "allow legacy boot" instead of or as well as UEFI

My computer tries to boot from dvd and network first since W10 was installed because it takes ages to detect the disk drive , strange thing is the reset has fixed one problem I didnt notice before , the dvd drive had disappeared from "my computer " page , it has reappeared today.

Should boot straight from disk first I think if a disk is inserted , think that is the default setting.


Is that 98 or 98se?

The first I'd not touch.

It might actually be XP , the computer packed in and I bought a new one then I got it fixed to have a spare , It was just a worn out hard drive , think the guy might of put XP on it at the time .


XP with Chrome browser is perfectly usable.

Windows 7 is bearable but 8 onwards are just a train wreck..

I spent a few hours working out why 2 Win7 machines were running slow and using 100% cpu, turns out a part of Windows Update was broken and you have to fix it by hand; the update broke the updater..


Puzzle game procrastinator!
XP with Chrome browser is perfectly usable.

Windows 7 is bearable but 8 onwards are just a train wreck..

I spent a few hours working out why 2 Win7 machines were running slow and using 100% cpu, turns out a part of Windows Update was broken and you have to fix it by hand; the update broke the updater..
Any details on that? My Win 7 laptop seems to be using a lot more CPU than it should do. Not 100%, but enough that it runs warm even when it shouldn't be doing much. The battery died suddenly and almost completely fairly soon after installing WIn 7, which I have read is a common problem. People have replaced their batteries and then the new ones die a month or two later! (I just use the laptop on mains power now.)

Shut Up Legs

Down Under Member
During updating windows seven you will see a splash screen that will ask if you wish to update to windows ten, choose the option to "never remind me again"..........job done.
Until the next reminder (or unsolicited download). Those "never remind me again" dialog boxes are telling you great big lies.


XP with Chrome browser is perfectly usable.

Windows 7 is bearable but 8 onwards are just a train wreck..

I spent a few hours working out why 2 Win7 machines were running slow and using 100% cpu, turns out a part of Windows Update was broken and you have to fix it by hand; the update broke the updater..

I downloaded Chrome the other day and it came with a browser hijack so deleted it .


Any details on that? My Win 7 laptop seems to be using a lot more CPU than it should do. Not 100%, but enough that it runs warm even when it shouldn't be doing much. The battery died suddenly and almost completely fairly soon after installing WIn 7, which I have read is a common problem. People have replaced their batteries and then the new ones die a month or two later! (I just use the laptop on mains power now.)

How computer savvy are you?.

Look in task manager when you have high cpu load and it will be linked to an svhost if it's the same problem, you can click on that and see what services are running.

One of them will be part of windows update.

You then have to shut windows update down and manually install 2 updates from Microsoft.

I'll try and dig the links out.

My laptop at home and work at idle were using 50% + cpu and this fixed both of them!.


Puzzle game procrastinator!
How computer savvy are you?.

Look in task manager when you have high cpu load and it will be linked to an svhost if it's the same problem, you can click on that and see what services are running.

One of them will be part of windows update.

You then have to shut windows update down and manually install 2 updates from Microsoft.

I'll try and dig the links out.

My laptop at home and work at idle were using 50% + cpu and this fixed both of them!.
Reasonably ...

I have noticed svchost processes taking quite a lot of cpu time in the past. They seem ok at the moment but my browser is taking 35%! I will shut it down and restart it ...

PS The browser restart didn't help but I had 3 other tabs open which have been open in the background for several days. I closed them and browser CPU load is now a more reasonable 4-11%.

Interrupts seem to be busy .. 1-5%. They used to sit well below 1% most of the time when I had Win XP on this laptop. (I had a HDD for Win XP but have replaced that with an SSD for Win 7 so I am not comparing exactly the same hardware.)
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