Woss and Brand?

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Mr Phoebus

New Member
Gordon Brown has even openly criticised those two.
Methinks those two are in deep poo.

Gordon secretly loves them really, they've really taken the heat off him.

Woss will have to do a lot of cweeping.


Bird Saviour
i can't stand Brand, he fecks up all the time, he was a school bully, fecked off the american's when he was over there, cracked a joke about rape victims in their own town when a serial rapist was on the loose and now he's involved with this. he should have got the sack long ago. i mean Julian Clary cracked a joke about fisting and he was sacked straight away.

I do like Rossi but i think he's an idiot to have got dragged into this schoolboy banter with Brand.


Über Member
They were out of order and now have to pay the price. The odds are that if you or I made a malicious phonecall then we would be having a chat with the local Constabulary so why should they be different?

I remember Ross on Channel 4 starting out with his Chat Show which I thought was pretty good but in recent years he seems to have resorted to shock tactics more and more and ceases to be either witty or funny. Brand is a one trick shouty pony.

on the road

Über Member
I've never liked Woss, he's thinks he's funny but he's not.


on the road said:
I've never liked Woss, he's thinks he's funny but he's not.

Exactly !

Ross thinks he is, just like you say...how the hell he gets 8,000,000.00 for it is beyond me !

Where abouts are you On :ohmy:

I'm in East Liverpool!


New Member
mondobongo said:
I remember Ross on Channel 4 starting out with his Chat Show which I thought was pretty good but in recent years he seems to have resorted to shock tactics more and more and ceases to be either witty or funny. Brand is a one trick shouty pony.

Exactly, Ross is quite good when he's being sensible. His problem is that he confuses being charming with being childish.

Brand is a git. However, like Ross and given a context like on that show he had recently, he can segue from subject to subject quite nimbly. But again, they both let themselves down pretty badly.

Keith Oates

Penarth, Wales
What surprises me is that the 'show' was pre-recorded and given the nod by some high up Beeb person. Seems to me there should be three for the chop!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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