Your first job

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New Member
Yarm, Cleveland
trolley pusher at the local supermarket.

Before that though i was a paper lad but i got sacked cos i could never be arsed giving people the right papers ...i just used to put whichever paper came out of the bag first through peoples doors.


New Member
My first job was as a lunchtime supervisor while in the sixth form at school, £40 a month for two shifts a week.
I did bar work all through university and got a job in a call centre when I graduated. Ended up staying there for five years until it sent me mad, literally, I was signed off for 8 months.
Since then I work in school. Currently looking for a new career.


North Wales
Yea, its a great job and still my one regret in life that I left. But then I guess its a very lucky person who gets to grow up without having a few regrets along the way.


Cake connoisseur
First job was working in a burger bar.
First job after leaving school was working as a groom.
First proper job was researching business crime.

I look back at the second one with rose tinted specs - you tend to forget all the back breaking poo-shovelling and just remember the nice bits, like being outside in the sunshine all day. :biggrin:


Legendary Member
ianrauk said:
same as me....
But mine was way back in the early '80's for bands such as Frankie Goes To Hollywood, Wham, Culture Club, U2, Cure, Whitesnake, Saxon, Rainbow and almost every big pop & Heavy Metal band at the time.

I wonder if we met ? - I'm fairly close to you as well.

First job working in the City as a runner for £20 a week.

Then toured with the bands flogging merchandise in the early/mid 1980's

Just some of the names: Alice Cooper, The Dammed, Simple Minds, Dr & the Medics (about 10 tours), The Cult, Men they could not Hang, Voodoo Chile, Spear of Destiny, The Bolshoi Ballet company (really), Zodiac Mindwarp, Strawberry Switchblade, Marble Staircase, Pop will Eat itself, James Brown, Dandy Warhols, Tom Jones, Motorhead, The Pixies, and many many more. I still do the odd band run about once a year if mates are a man short. Did Glasto last year running the Wombats, Duffy, Neon Neon and others around as a Landrover Taxi service.n


Smutmaster General
Apart from paper round, first weekend job, from 16 to 18 was cleaner in local mental hospital. Have also been nurse, tefl teacher, postman, and lecturer...


I was never allowed a job when I was a youngster, especially not a paper round (paranoid dad - even now I still have to "check in" daily and I've not lived at home for a decade or so).
My first job was when I was 17 in the summer holidays before going to University. I was a shop assistant at Co-op in the village where I lived.


Rohan Man
Bugbrooke UK
Shelf stacking and sticking price labels on tins etc. Morrison's supermarket in Yeadon c1976.

After sixth form I joined the Civil Service as a "direct entrant" executive officer.

Still in government service thirty years later.

Night Train

Maker of Things
At 16 I was working as a teaching assistant at a North London comprehensive teaching special needs maths classes.
At 17 I was doing my HGV mechanics apprentiship.
At 18 I was working as an electrician.
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