£30 fine for no lights

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Well-Known Member
we're not talking about deaths and life changing disfigurements...we're talking about the prevention of such events....
a scenario for your delectation......cyclist on an unlit country lane at night ,no lights on the bike,a car travelling on the same lane in the same direction,family in the car,just been out for dinner...kids are playing up...a few distractions....they're bearing down on the cyclist...don't see him till the last second ,car driver swerves erratically..loses control ..hits a stone wall at speed...only 1 passenger survives
..is it sinking in?.......capeesh?


Bionic Subsonic
we're not talking about deaths and life changing disfigurements...we're talking about the prevention of such events....
a scenario for your delectation......cyclist on an unlit country lane at night ,no lights on the bike,a car travelling on the same lane in the same direction,family in the car,just been out for dinner...kids are playing up...a few distractions....they're bearing down on the cyclist...don't see him till the last second ,car driver swerves erratically..loses control ..hits a stone wall at speed...only 1 passenger survives
..is it sinking in?.......capeesh?
Interesting that the car driver not driving slowly enough to be able to stop in the distance they can see to be clear is now the cyclist's fault. You may want to revisit your hypothetical scenario.

Dan B

Disengaged member
we're not talking about deaths and life changing disfigurements...we're talking about the prevention of such events....
a scenario for your delectation......cyclist on an unlit country lane at night ,no lights on the bike,a car travelling on the same lane in the same direction,family in the car,just been out for dinner...kids are playing up...a few distractions....they're bearing down on the cyclist...don't see him till the last second ,car driver swerves erratically..loses control ..hits a stone wall at speed...only 1 passenger survives
..is it sinking in?.......capeesh?
Replace "unlit cyclist" with "unlit deer". Are you sinking? Que pische?


Legendary Member
Uh. I really need to explain this to you?: Cyclists pose infinitesimally little danger to anyone but themselves. Motorists kill people. The polis have their priorities wrong. Capeesh?

In relation to injuring other people you have a point. But what about those cases where a driver seriously injuries or kills a cyclist who he hits as they dont have lights and he doesnt see them. The driver may not be physically injured but I know how I would feel if I killed someone on a bike.

I got very close to hitting cyclists in the dark last year ( twice). Pitch black and they had no reflective gear and no lights. I dont even know how they could see to ride. They literally came out of nowhere. So these accidents can and do happen and it is not the drivers fault.

So the police do not have their priorities wrong. They are just enforcing the laws of the land as they should. In my view, as a cyclist. The lights on bike law is a law they should apply at this time of year with vigor, every year, until cyclist take it for granted that if they dont have lights, they will be fined.


Legendary Member
well if they're enforcing the law, what about pedal and spoke reflectors - which I undertand are a legal requirement?


Legendary Member
well if they're enforcing the law, what about pedal and spoke reflectors - which I undertand are a legal requirement?

You are correct. But reflectors are often in place when lights are missing. But if I were the police officer dealing with a bike with no lights, I would check the rest of the bike.


we're not talking about deaths and life changing disfigurements...we're talking about the prevention of such events....
a scenario for your delectation......cyclist on an unlit country lane at night ,no lights on the bike,a car travelling on the same lane in the same direction,family in the car,just been out for dinner...kids are playing up...a few distractions....they're bearing down on the cyclist...don't see him till the last second ,car driver swerves erratically..loses control ..hits a stone wall at speed...only 1 passenger survives
..is it sinking in?.......capeesh?
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