11.24 miles to be precise

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Active Member
Margate, Kent
Hi All,
Since deciding to take up cycling as a proper hobby a couple of months ago the I have done quiet a few rides of about 7 miles. Yesterday however I decided to bite the bullet and have a go at my first attempt at doing 10 miles.
Very pleased, I managed just over 11 miles in under 45 minutes and I felt as though i could have kept going but didn't want to push my luck.

Cyclemeter Stats:-
Started: 16 Sep 2012 07:59:43
Ride Time: 43:07
Distance: 11.24 miles
Average Speed: 15.64 mph
Fastest Speed: 24.47 mph
Ascent: 345 feet
Descent: 305 feet

When the cycling bug bites it bites hard!


im a little tea pot
nice. you'll be cracking the half century soon enough!!!! lol good speeds too.


im a little tea pot
ive had a week off the bike and my average speed has died a death!! however i do have 380 ft of climbing within 2 1/2 miles of leaving my home so the slightest issue is always magnified!!!

one thing i find now though is that when i have a flat route my average speed is 18 mph+ without really pushing it!! enjoy the rides and stretch them out whenever you feel like it! my normal commute i 5 miles long, if i feel like it i stretch it (normally hit a 12 mile loop i have found with a small 14% hill on it :smile: )
Well done, good speeds as kiwiavenger says, I dont often manage those speeds usually 13.5-14.5 mph, but also my avg flat speed is about 15-17mph after about 20 miles, I live on top of a hill so i always have a climb of nearly 100ft the gradient will vary depending where I have been one way it a km with the gradient peaking about 8% or so, the other is shorter but a shorter steeper climb, another though its longer altogether 4.55 miles climbing 172ft.


Forum Stalwart (won't take the hint and leave...)
You'll get to enjoy hills. Just take them gently at the start.
Three good things about hills:
1) The view at the top
2) The feeling of achievement when you get there
3) Coming down.
Just keep those in mind when your lungs are trying to turn themselves inside out and your heart is trying to liberate itself from your chest.
You'll get to enjoy hills. Just take them gently at the start.
Three good things about hills:
1) The view at the top
2) The feeling of achievement when you get there
3) Coming down.
Just keep those in mind when your lungs are trying to turn themselves inside out and your heart is trying to liberate itself from your chest.
+1 if i have too (which is often) i just select the lowest gear, and slowly get to the top, I can manage most hills (those that there are) with 26 front 28 back, though if I know there are going to be some steeper hills I can change the 28 to 32, though I am finding that too low to be comfortable any more, and also its a big jump from 24 which is my 2nd gear.


im a little tea pot
im currently running a 34/26 as my largest gear. im thinking of going 34/24-25 but want to try a 20% thats near me so may just stick with as is for the moment!


World class procrastinator
Well done. An impressive average speed. I've been cycling ages and still average somewhere around 13.5mph over a ride. The hills are minimal here.
Keep up the good work.
im currently running a 34/26 as my largest gear. im thinking of going 34/24-25 but want to try a 20% thats near me so may just stick with as is for the moment!

there only one I know of around approaching that, I will need to change to the 32 for that, but I am thinking of getting an 8 sp shifter so I can go 32 or 34 then 28 or 26 and 23/21/19/17/15/13, which is plenty for me at the mo, the front being 48/38/26, to me its about keeping going, not to bothered about very fast speeds (though its nice to beat your p.b.'s sometimes).
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