12-28 or 12-30 Cassette?

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Big Dosser
I'm not good at climbing but getting better. Currently thinking of popping a 12-30 cassette on to give me an emergency gear on the tougher climbs...

Anyone used both and do you think I would even notice the extra 2 teeth when running out of gears?


Careful with that axle Eugene
I've just changed the cassette on my Boardman, going from 26 to 30, a very noticeable change. Not so much an 'emergency' gear as something that makes climbing so much easier. I'm glad I made the change.


Kilometre nibbler
If your rear mech has the capacity for both the extra 2 teeth of slack, and also the 30T largest sprocket, then go for it ... Why ever not?

It should be very easy to find the spec for your mech and discover its capacity and largest sprocket. Be aware also that the stated limits can be a bit conservative and can be pushed beyond a bit (or so they say on here!)


Big Dosser
I've got a 5700 105 short cage. Word on the street is you can squeeze a 30 on there... Think I will go for it.


My Armchair
I've got a 5700 105 short cage. Word on the street is you can squeeze a 30 on there... Think I will go for it.
Got the same on my Caad8 and the 30 fits just fine, it's not a massive difference from the original 12-28 but every little helps :okay:


Big Dosser
Got the same on my Caad8 and the 30 fits just fine, it's not a massive difference from the original 12-28 but every little helps :okay:

Every little does help! Haha


But you do lose another gear from within your range, creating a bigger jump. It's a fine line balancing the two options. Once you progress, you will soon sit comfortable with the 28 on most rides and wish you had that intermediate hear at times. I would consider maybe holding back for a bit before swapping and seeing how you go?


Legendary Member
Chandler's Ford
I've decided the argument about avoiding bigger 'jumps' no longer holds when you have a 10 or 11 speed cassette.
It made a difference with 6 speed 14-28 freewheel, but not any more.
And if I've progressed at climbing hills it's not because I can push a bigger gear up them, it's because I've learned to spin up them (Think Froome dropping Quintana on the Ventoux.... except at about one sixth of the watts/kg :laugh:)


Big Dosser
I've looked at the differing ratios of the 2 cassettes and I think I can live with the differences, suppose I can just swap it back after a few weeks if I don't like it, and it only costs £12 so no massive outlay :okay:


Kilometre nibbler
The talk about big jumps between gears leaves me cold. I've never found myself thinking "ooh, I wish I had a gear between these two - this one's just a bit too high and that ones a bit too low". I have, on the other hand, very often found myself thinking "I really, really wish I had a gear below this one" and occasionally jabbing the shifter in the hope of making one appear. Nor am I likely to progress in my abilities. Quite the reverse, unfortunately.

Disclaimer: Gearing, like saddles, is very personal. I'm not saying anyone is wrong here. YMMV and all that.


Über Member
The talk about big jumps between gears leaves me cold. I've never found myself thinking "ooh, I wish I had a gear between these two - this one's just a bit too high and that ones a bit too low". I have, on the other hand, very often found myself thinking "I really, really wish I had a gear below this one" and occasionally jabbing the shifter in the hope of making one appear. Nor am I likely to progress in my abilities. Quite the reverse, unfortunately.

Disclaimer: Gearing, like saddles, is very personal. I'm not saying anyone is wrong here. YMMV and all that.
As you said in your disclaimer, gearing is personal.

That being said... :laugh:

My hybrid is 9 speed 11 - 32 and there are most definitely times when I wish there were in between gears. I change up because the gear I'm in is too low but the new gear is too high so I change down again etc. My road bike is 9 speed 11 - 25. This rarely happens with that cassette.


I switched the five speed freewheel on my road bike from a 14-26 to a 14-28 around a year ago. It made a surprisingly big difference to my climbing ability, much more than I would have thought.

Having a slightly larger gear spacing isn't the end of the world either - it's a good way to learn how to spin a nice high cadence when in that slightly-too-low gear!

You can't really carry too low a gear around IMHO - on my commuter/tourer I have a 28/32 low gear, which I've only used once or twice, but when I needed it I *loved* that big 32t sprocket.
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