126 Miles (in a week)

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Hip Priest

I was just looking at my GPS app after this morning's ride (brrr...) and realised I'd done 126 miles in total this week. 3 x 33 mile training rides and 3 x 10 mile commutes. The highest weekly mileage I'd done prior to this is 80m, so I'm well chuffed. And knackered.

Still quite a bit off Eddy Merckx's 30,000 miles per year!
Well done :bravo: ; Eddy Merckx might have done 30,000 per annum but that was his day job :rolleyes:
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Well done :bravo: ; Eddy Merckx might have done 30,000 per annum but that was his day job :rolleyes:

Cheers man. Yes, I guess comparing ones self to the greatest ever cyclist is probably not the best idea for a recreational rider!


Well-Known Member
3 x 33mile training rides in one week is quite impressive. I find the more cycling i do the easier it seems , even having just a week off makes the next longish run seem like a real ordeal.


Most I've ever done in one week was 305 miles, roughly 50 per day with 1 day off. Had a week's holiday, wife took kids to Grandma's for the week, what else was there to do but get out on the road
Hip Priest

Hip Priest

Most I've ever done in one week was 305 miles, roughly 50 per day with 1 day off. Had a week's holiday, wife took kids to Grandma's for the week, what else was there to do but get out on the road

That sounds great. Mainly the 'wife and kids away for a week' aspect :biggrin:
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