A beginner and going through Queensway tunnel

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New Member
Hi, I am new to cycling and I might be getting a part time job soon with the hours of 9PM-4AM, no public transport is available at that time so instead I wanted to try and cycle through. Since I leave at 4AM I am fine to go through the Queensway tunnel but I have little to no experience with cycling and I was wondering if anyone has any experience with going through and things I should look out for whilst on the road.


Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
As you are new to cycling, then it may be rather foolish to try this. It's not a pleasant environment, and folk won't be expecting a bike going through at those times. If I remember rightly, there is a fair old incline either end so if not a fit cyclist you might struggle.

I wouldn't ride through it !


I've seen people ride through, it's not something I would choose to do though, but if you ride primary on the inside lane you should be fine. Speed limit is 30 and enforced so nobody drives fast.


New Member
Thanks for the input, probably not my thing then since i'm still new to road laws etc. Will just have to stay until 6:30AM when the bus comes lol!


The Queensway tunnel has a 10mph minimum speed limit (20mph in the second lane) and as @fossyant says there is a decent incline either side - it's 170ft below the water line in the middle.


If 6 Was 9
The OP hasn't given his location.
There is a Queensway tunnel in Birmingham.
If that is the one he is referring to, then absolutely NO WAY would I attempt to cycle it at any time of the day!


Don't suffer fools gladly (must try harder!)
Reading, obvs
The OP hasn't given his location.
There is a Queensway tunnel in Birmingham.
If that is the one he is referring to, then absolutely NO WAY would I attempt to cycle it at any time of the day!

AFAIK there are no time restrictions regarding cycling through the Birmingham Queensway tunnel, whereas there are for the Liverpool one. The OP's reference to being fine to go through it at 4am would imply that the latter is the one in question.


Well-Known Member
South Birmingham
The OP hasn't given his location.
There is a Queensway tunnel in Birmingham.
If that is the one he is referring to, then absolutely NO WAY would I attempt to cycle it at any time of the day!

+1 - ANY tunnel with traffic in it (especially when the big trucks go barging through). If you do get hit/blown by the draft of passing vehicles there's nowhere to go except bounce off the tunnel wall and back into the traffic.

I used to cycle into Birmingham in the rush hour years ago, and wouldn't go into the tunnels then, let alone now. These days I'm not too happy about going through the Birmingham ones in the car either, too many tailgaters.


+1 - ANY tunnel with traffic in it (especially when the big trucks go barging through). If you do get hit/blown by the draft of passing vehicles there's nowhere to go except bounce off the tunnel wall and back into the traffic.

The mersey tunnels are slightly different in that they don't permit overtaking or changing lanes, this however just means you have the potential to become an annoyance, but should mean that if you maintain a primary position you'll be fine all the way through.

Still wouldn't catch me riding through unless it was closed to traffic though.


Well-Known Member
South Birmingham
The mersey tunnels are slightly different in that they don't permit overtaking or changing lanes, this however just means you have the potential to become an annoyance, but should mean that if you maintain a primary position you'll be fine all the way through.

Still wouldn't catch me riding through unless it was closed to traffic though.

Whats permitted/sensible, and what people do, are different.
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