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Leafy Cheshire
Just been out for a bit of an explore based on the nice free map Stockport council just sent me. I did a bit of a 10 mile loop and found some nice bits like Chadkirk Chapel that I'd never seen before.

Why are people so aggressive though? I was going down one street next to a line of parked cars and a young lad pulled right out on me as I passed - I pointed at his wing mirror (prob shouldn't have) and he shouted "you're not dead, are ya?" to which I replied "nearly!"

Later, cycling down a main road, another youngish lad beeped and swore at me for absolutely no reason - I was just cycling down the road in a good position!

Maybe I need to get a thicker skin but it makes me feel uncomfortable!


Senior Member
Bury, Manchester
Their are a few weird motorists out there. The other day, I was pulling out of the cycle lane so I could get past a parked car, a van (Which was quiet a distance behind me) started to accelerating trying to stop me pulling out, I still managed to get out and past in time though.

Don't worry about them.


New Member
my house
lanternerouge said:
Just been out for a bit of an explore based on the nice free map Stockport council just sent me.

is that the eccentrically drawn Green A to Z?

lanternerouge said:
Later, cycling down a main road, another youngish lad beeped and swore at me for absolutely no reason - I was just cycling down the road in a good position!

you were cycling weren't you ;) I find my skin thinkness varies according to my mood. Mostly I can just ignore them nowadays, but occassionally....


Someone through a bottle of water at me the other day i caught it in my teeth, opened it with my tongue and downed it. You got to man up, or attach a camera to your helmet like the dweebs do.


Leafy Cheshire
Cheers blazed, will be pumping iron this weekend!


Breedon said:
Now that would of been great on a helment cam :laugh:

Id never wear a helmet cam but if someone followed me riding for one week you would have enough footage for a hollywood blockbuster. People often mistake me for Vin Diesel.
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