Adjusting 105 shifters

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My 105 shifters keep missing the shift down the cassette and the chainrings when they're cold.

The shifters are the old 8 speed on a double chainring (10 years old).

In the warm house they're fine, but after a few minutes cold riding they're not clicking down the cassette and chainrings.

There's two small allen screws under the brake levers, are these the adjusters?

Unfortunately they're rusted in so I can't shift'em (tried WD40).

I've tried adjusting the cable tension, but this doesn't seem to work.
It is the cables sticking not the shifters.

Put it in the smallest ring and push up the mech to the biggest while spinning the wheel and then stop the wheel when you are still holding the mech in place. Now you can unclip the cable outer from the bosses on the frame and get some wet lube (no spray lube) as it dose not last. Then rub it into the cables and then put the cables back on the frame and turn the wheel.

Then Test

Job done

John the Monkey

Frivolous Cyclist
What Spandex said - I use Weldtite chain oil to lube my cables.

Remember, moving to bigger cogs/chainrings is increasing cable tension, moving to smaller is releasing it, so "sticking" when going to smaller sprockets or chainrings is usually a problem with the cables not sliding smoothly enough to release the tension.
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