Advice on Posting Footage of an Incident

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New Member
I have footage of an incident in which me and a driver have a short argument before they drive 'at' me and 'speed off'. Long story short they get arrested and cautioned for causing fear or provocation of violence.

Now while I am aware that it is perfectly legal to upload footage of a number plate or face, as long as it was filmed in a public area, I'm not sure if it's okay to link that face / number plate to an arrest / caution, as this may not be public knowledge.
The main issue I have, is that I don't necessarily feel as though I want to expose the driver's face / plates as they've already been dealt with, and I don't want this video to be see as me bragging or 'punishing' them; I only want to upload the video for educational and entertainment purposes.

*Braces for "stop filming and enjoy riding your bike sado"*


Legendary Member
If you don't want to show the face of the driver and the number plate - blur them in the video and then upload it. If you're having serious doubts, don't bother to upload the video at all.

You are within your rights to show the face of the driver and the number plate - however, YouTube may well remove it if there is a privacy complaint.

Glad you're OK and good to hear that the driver was cautioned.


West Kent
If you're not sure then keep it off the net. You'll only get dull comments from trolls anyway - that's mostly what seems to happen on youtube for cycling related videos.


Cracking a solo.
I've got one in with the police at the moment, the officer I've spoken to is hoping that they can get the driver on to a driver awareness course, If he can't then he's informed me that he'll have them in and show them the footage and tell them that they're now in the system. Assuming either of those scenarios happens then as far as I'm concerned the issue has been dealt with, if nothing happens I'll upload the video.
If you're happy with the way the issue has been dealt with I can't personally see the point in uploading things.


Nr Cambridge
Even if the driver is as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of fresh steaming poo, you will be vilified and subject to all sorts of personal attacks by knuckle dragging trolls. If you are willing to put up with this then upload it. I shall look forward to watching it.


Cracking a solo.
Even if the driver is as guilty as a puppy sitting next to a pile of fresh steaming poo, you will be vilified and subject to all sorts of personal attacks by knuckle dragging trolls. If you are willing to put up with this then upload it. I shall look forward to watching it.
I had liked this comment, but I've unliked it now.

Seems to be a big dollop of double standards going on cranky.
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Nr Cambridge
I had liked this comment, but I've unliked it now.

Seems to be a big dollop of double standards going on cranky.
What are the forum rules on posting abusive, malicious or spiteful messages? Your post here certainly qualifies.
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I've Deleted and Edited a number of posts.
Stop the name-calling, do not introduce things from other threads and the thread can continue.

Thank you.
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Bicycle: a means of transport between cake-stops
A police caution is a matter of public record, the same as a conviction in court. There is no problem showing his details. I would, though, switch off comments when you upload the video.
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