After this, 7 to go.

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Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
Gonna be off line for just over a week so I've got to hit 500 posts before I go to Moms (see 'dog sitting') so I'll probably post crap just to get there !! :biggrin:
("No change there then", I hear you all mutter !!!)


Go for it! Although I'm not sure I personally like the term 'senior member'!!
Elmer Fudd

Elmer Fudd

Miserable Old Bar Steward
alecstilleyedye said:
get thee to word association and we'll sort you out :biggrin:

I've always tried to avoid 'word association', I mean, I have words with the missus and she never associates them with what I mean, it's a sort of "no win, no win" situation !! xx(


Well...ideally I'd like it to go like this:

Limp Member
Semi Member
Large Member
Diamond Cutter

But I'm sure the ladys on CC would disagree!


Senior Member
Melvil said:
Well...ideally I'd like it to go like this:

Limp Member
Semi Member
Large Member
Diamond Cutter

But I'm sure the ladys on CC would disagree!


Way to boost my own pathetic post count!
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