Afternoon all

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Active Member
Just thought I'd pop in and say hi. Just recently moved house and have decided that, at eight miles, my commute to work in now bikeable saving me over £100 on bus fares and gym memberships.

Finished my first week of rides on Friday and just started my second week commuting in to Cambridge from Cambourne, getting easier but having some trouble with my knee (looks like it might be the setup of the bike, will be adjusting again tonight), I'm really enjoying it so far though so won't be letting a bit of pain force me back on to public transport.

I'm riding my Brother's old Ironhorse (judging by the weight it's most likely made from recycle cast iron equestrian statues, but it was free so who am I to complain?) but, once I get used to having a mortgage to pay I will be looking to upgrade to something a bit more snazzy, tempted by a Cycle Cross as I have a bit of dodgy track to negotiate, but not sure yet. Having said that my technical knowledge extends to being able to differentiate wheels from frame so expect a lot of noob style questions before I make a decision.

Thanks for reading.


Welcome to the forums!


Ask away with the questions, I'm sure someone will know the answer and if not, they'll point you in the right direction.


Active Member
Thanks very much for the warm welcome.

Octet - I'm sure I'll be asking many questions. Hopefully I'll stick with it all for long enough that I'll be able to answer some after a while too.

Biker Joe

Über Member
Hi and a very warm :welcome: to you.
Glad you're enjoying the cycling.
All the best with your future plans.

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
Hi @FortuitousFluke and :welcome:.

Well done on getting started. Keep up the good work.:thumbsup:

Knee pain can be caused by several things, but the one I'd suggest checking first is whether the saddle is high enough as it's very common for new riders to have it set too low.

Everyone will be getting sick of me saying this :laugh: but to get it roughly in the right area set it so that with your heel on the pedal your leg is straight at the bottom of the pedal stroke. Your knee will then have approximately the right amount of bend in it when pedalling with the ball of the foot and it can be fine tuned to suit you from this point.

Hope this is of use.:smile:
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