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Active Member
Been lurking for a while, just did not get around to joining, that is how lazy I am!

My name is Steve and I live a few miles outside of Croydon, Surrey and got back onto the saddle for the first time in nearly 20 years last year. Boy had I forgotten how difficult it can be.

Joined the C2W scheme after contemplating getting a bike for a while and this seemed like the perfect opportunity do get a nice bike a little cheaper. Ended up plumping for a Boardman Hybrid Comp which is lovely I have to say. However as it's quite a speedy bike, the missus isn't too happy when I tell her (with great pride!!) the kind of speeds that I reach going down some of the large hills near where we live!

I am very much a fair weather rider and will not cyle to work in the morning if it's raining and after the winter/spring we have just had, I barely ventured out but in the last month or so have covered nearly as much distance in that time as I did since buying the it.

I also use the Strava app on my phone so I can informed as to times etc as I like to set myself small goals.

Anyway, that was longer that I intended, so off to browse some more

Rickshaw Phil

Overconfidentii Vulgaris
:welcome: Steve.


Über Member
Welcome to the website Steve :hello:


Active Member

Plenty of "banter" when I was lad in school. All I used to hear down the corridor (walking obviously, no running allowed!) was that poxy theme tune.
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