Alternative to Thorn Sherpa?

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New Member
East Sussex
My lady wife has started making noises about replacing her ageing Dawes with a Thorn Sherpa like mine.

Given that she is 5ft 7" of medium build, fit, pushing 50 and the intended use is basically long day rides and possibly camping, she wants straight bars and a comfortable/predictable ride. She very much appreciates quality in the widest sense of the word where bicycles are concerned. 26" wheels preferred.

What else should she be considering apart from a Sherpa? The limit's £1K5 including odds and sods.

Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Hewitt do a 26 inch wheel version of the Cheviot.

Wide choice of components / colours / braze-ons, etc, plus the full fitting service which I know many women say has still managed to transform what they already thought to be 'comfortable cycling'.
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