Another first - highly dangerous close call.

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New Member
Pootling along a road, doing 18mph ish, this morning. Car at a junction ahead, looking left but not right (where I was coming from), edging out further and further, didn't even see me till I was stopping at her side and yelling a warning at her. Looked shocked (nearly dropped her phone!) and then offended.

I'm telling you, there might be one in ten motorists or even more who are that stupid and unobservant. None of them deserve to be on our roads.

Edit: Mentioning it in this thread 'cos it was a Citroen.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
Had some stupid knob jockey overtake me when I was signalling right to turn at a junction on the way home last night. (S)he was on the wrong side of the road, and there was traffic signalling to turn left towards her out of the junction!!!!! Got a loud and long beep on the airzound for that, the other driver was shaking his head as well.

I also had some stupid muppet overtake me on a blind bend this morning. Annoying dangerous fools, I'm waiting for the third one and then back to a couple of weeks of decent drivers again hopefully.


New Member
BentMikey said:
I also had some stupid muppet overtake me on a blind bend this morning. Annoying dangerous fools, I'm waiting for the third one and then back to a couple of weeks of decent drivers again hopefully.

My normal experience is that it gets progressively worse on the roads till Christmas :biggrin:


You can't make yourself numpty proof unfortunately!

I swear my awareness as a car driver is improved since I started cycling.


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
That's because you guys care about your driving/riding. Those drivers who don't wouldn't be any better as a result. Just think of all the cabbies who do the knowledge on scooters. Some are better, I'm sure, but some are not IMO.
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