Any advice

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runner 5k

New Member
I'm an injured elite(ish) runner, 14.00 5k, 3.42 1500m. I've been training on the watt bike everyday for 4 weeks, stuff like...20k (2930), 2 x 10k (14.45,14.30)....I try to do something hard everyday rather than just plodding along...longest ride is 30k in 45.30....anyway I performed a 3 min test today and averaged 377 watts, weight is 66kg, my question is - is that any good? Can anyone recommend any good sessions??

Thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
your numbers mean nothing. if you are an elite runner you will understand the idea of training for a goal and doing training sessions which are focused and have a training benefit. and no, 377 watts for 3 mins isnt that great, in the great scale of things and doesnt mean a thing.


runner 5k

New Member
Sorry - for what?
I'm training to keep fit so my return to running will be easier. My limited understanding was power to weight ratio was the big thing in cycling, looks like I might be wrong though.

Thanks for you advice for some sessions, very helpful.


Well-Known Member
yes power to weight is important. training to keep fit for a return to running? so ask yourself what that means to you for running and apply that to the bike.

WHAT do you need to do. be specific!

do you want to do gentle recovery work, endurance work, or higher intensity intervals? what is your threshold power? your threshold heart rate? you cant cant ask for sessions till you answer these questions of yourself. i could give you a a session to help all these but what if they didnt help your return to running.

do a threshold test. measure power and record heart rates and then plan your next move. thats why 377 is a useless number on its own.

runner 5k

New Member
Aim is to keep the weight off and try and keep a good threshold is around 175 bpm, but i'm not using a monitor on the bike......I'm guessing I've another 4 weeks before I can run. Maintaining endurance, keeping trim etc....would be nice to track progress too, that's why I performed the test.


Well-Known Member
my advice is to do sessions at 95-100 rpm. add 10 watts every 30 secs from about 50 watts until your heart arrives at about 140. hold that power for an hour and your heart will creep up over the hour. if your heart arrives at 175 bpm then you need to back off your starting point (140 bpm) for the next time. i dont see the point of doing intervals or top end work for the sake of a month. repeat this 4 times a week.

this should be an endurance/ tempo effort

runner 5k

New Member
Thanks Citius....I have managed 10k @ 275w, not sure of my h/rate tho, this took just over 14 mins and i'm pretty sure I could hold that for another 6 mins. I will try the 20 mins test this week and see how it goes.

Quite enjoying the bike to be fair, might even keep it going when I return to running.


If you are measuring power, HR becomes pretty much redundant.


Senior Member
Use the info you got from your three minute test to estimate your power zones using the calculator here:

Then you can tailor your sessions on the Wattbike towards what you specifically want to achieve from the particular training session you are doing by keeping within the power zones (and heart rate zones if that is your thing).

As an elite runner you will probably know that incorporating sessions with various intensities and durations in your weekly plan will help with the majority being done at a relatively easy pace: so a couple of long rides of about 90 - 120 mins for basic endurance, a threshold session at 2 x 20 mins sandwiched between warm up, recovery and cool down, one hard interval session etc.

I would specifically calculate your zones for cycling rather than rely on what you use for running particularly if you are using HR as a guide as they can be surprisingly different.

runner 5k

New Member
Ok, to tired to do the 20 min test so thought I would work on pace judgement.

3 x 10 mins off 3 mins.
Watts average was: 267, 283, 302...
Think I will aim for 280, defo can't hold 302...enjoyed the session tho.
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