Any daily mid-distance (40km round-trip) commuters tried the 5:2 diet?

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Well-Known Member
Hemel Hempstead
I normally cycle first thing (around 30 miles) on nothing but water. When I finish I have a large bowl of cereal as a healthy calorie replenishment. I'm nearly 50 with no 'love-handles' at all, and I put it largely down to the item below, i.e. you burn lots of stored fat when exercising on no food. It's not for everyone I know, and you gotta be careful not to bonk, but it works for me!


A Human Being
Of course he didn't challenge that directly in his response, so perhaps my inclination was correct.

No, no point repeating what someone else has written in response.


Well-Known Member
Both my parents (in their early 60s) are on the 5/2 diet and are losing weight at a sensible rate, while not cyclists they do a lot of walking and only thing to recommend is do not do your long rides on 2nd low intake day or first day back on normal intake. I think the biggest thing this does is reduce the portion size required to make you feel full on your days off.

I am a proponent of early bike ride and then breakfast after!
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