Anybody know about skateboards ?

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Well-Known Member
not bad, the best way may be to go into a skate shop ie. animal/ billabong etc and just look at how smooth the wheels are and how easy it is to steer (like a bike you lean into the bend) but the best ones always have the nicest pictures:smile:


Über Member
My skateboard knowledge is very much out of date dude, but that doesn't look too bad.

The deck looks a little bland though.

This place does custom build boards for the same price

Why don't you choose the parts and put them together yourselves. A bit of male bonding and he learns how it all works.


Über Member
nowt but I know a someone who does:



Cycling Excusiast
haven't skated for years but that's not that great a deck- you probably want to spend about £100. Bones are good bearings and pretty speedy - probably either worth buying the parts as redjedi suggested or heading to the shop and looking at the boards up for sale - I don't know if they let you try them but Blind and Independent decks were good when I used to skate- look for one that lets you bear weight into a turn and has a flexible light board with enough snap in it for when you jump or ollie.

good luck!


New Member
East London
Is it his first deck? You don't notice the difference between what's good and what isn't for a while. I'd say it's not worth shelling out top dollar when he'll only be knacking by falling off all the time learning how to ollie. If he really gets into it then buy a decent board once the first one is all worn out.

<Tom goes off to watch The Search for Animal Chin just one more time>
main advice I would give is that bearings can and will be replaced due to wear / damage due to water etc

make sure it has metal trucks!!!! believe it or not some cheap boards come with plastic trucks which can snap (there's still marks and the dent on the lamp post from my brother's helmet even 20 years on!)

I spent about £60 a couple of years ago on a starter deck, it was a bit plain design wise under it but was a decent start

larger wheels give good speed, a higher A number on the wheels gives a softer ride

bad bullet

New Member
rumour control.

hey confused people . I'm the co-owner of ideal and came across this thread while checking the traffic on our site and have logged in to clear up some of the evident confusion.
We are very proud of our budget rig. i've been in the bizz for 20 years and have encountered every conceivable cheap product. the deck is hand made by 'a third foot' right here in brum and is not a piece of chinese tat like 'enuff', the fox trucks were designed by the guy who opened pretty much the 1st skate shop in the country and are easily the best budget truck on the market, strong, light and quick turning, again, unlike 'enuff'. The wheels are budget offerings from santa cruz, you old guys remember them, right? as for the bearings, the speed demons are just fine, we've sold a ton of these with no complaints and unless you can stretch to bones swiss , bearings are much of a muchness. want to go faster? buy bigger wheels.
independent have never made boards.
this rig would cost £86 if bought seperately, so we feel £69 offers excellent value for what is, to all intent and purposes, a pro quality set-up.
Just a couple more things, any shop selling animal and billabong probably knows diddly squat about skateboards and the lower the 'a' number (durometer rating), the softer the wheel....
thanks for reading.
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