Anyone else that doesn't "do" films?

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New Member
I too have a very short attention span, so my interest needs to be grabbed very early on if I am to see something through, be it literature or film. That said I do enjoy (what I consider to be) a good film. My idea of good may not be the same as many others though!

If anyone says to me "you just need to stick it out for the first forty-five minutes (or 20 chapters)..." then I'm afraid my not interested hooter goes off.

Shallow maybe, but I prefer to spend my leisure time doing things I enjoy rather that toiling through dirge!

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
TBH, it amazes me how many people I hear saying "oh I wish I had time to X Y or Z but I'm always so busy" and yet they find the time to sit for hours every evening watching Eastenderes or some such shoot on TV.

Or, (as someone else already said) Posting on Internet Forums. :whistle:

Quite frankly, it never occurred to me that people don't 'do' films. It seems such a fundamental part of life!:wacko:

Funnily enough, if I switched on the TV and found old Tom and Jerry cartoons or similar on, I would probably sit and watch them :blush:

For me it is Wyle E. Coyote Cartoons, I love 'em as well as Pluto (non - verbal things have always appealed greatly to me - the amount of extra work and complexity that has to go into the production to convey visually what words normally would, and yet, still appear to be devastating simple has always interested me).

I don't like the current trend where CGI is king, and films are somehow considered "brilliant" if the effects are good.

What would you rather have, CGi, or an Airfix model bouncing about on a piece of string?? :biggrin:

Some CGI is good, yes, but coming from a film background (photography) I have never really liked the whole attitude that nothing had to actually exist. To me, if I couldn't do it for real, then I wasn't interested.

We have a cinema in Sheffield called "The Showroom" (it used to be a car dealers in the 70s, geddit?!). The advantage is that it tends to attract a better class of clientelle than some of the large multiplexes. (I mean there are never gangs of Chavs) The Showroom does show some mainstream films, but the core business seems to be in foreign films, mainly French or other European countries in origin.

We quite like French films, because they're often well written with good human scale stories, and because they tend to be a bit quirky. The massive advantage of course, is that this sort of film does not attract gangs of teenagers, some of whom for some reason pay money to go to a film, not watch it, and lob expensive popcorn about...

Yes I sometimes frequent the Glasgow Film Theatre. Great, thought provoking films, although having said that, the only time I have ever fallen asleep whilst watching a film at the Cinema was there, whilst watching a Spanish film called 'Blame It On Fidel'. To this day I still have no real idea if it was any good or not. :blush:

Oh and they don't do Popcorn or anything else noisy. You might get some couscous or olives flicked about though :biggrin:


Senior Member
Some very disturbing anti-film posts on here!

I'm a self-confessed film geek/nerd/weirdo etc and go to the cinema at least twice a week. The highlight of my week is listening to Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode's film review radio program on 5 live. It sounds like a lot of people are unaware of the fact that what's on at your local multiplex does not fully represent what's available at the moment. - Check out independent cinemas for more interesting and diverse options.

In the meantime, watch this: My link


Senior Member
Also, if you haven't seen; It's a Wonderful Life, the Exorcist, 2001, Alien, Annie Hall, Taxi Driver, Back to the Future, Sunset Boulevard and Mary Poppins, you need to sort your life out!!!


Somerset UK
I go to 1 or 2 films a year - the rest are just boring. Don't watch much non-news TV either.

I go to the theatre with real actors, good writing, in a theatre, about 10 times a year - would be more if I could afford the money or time. Massively more enjoyable and stimulating than film. Much better without the CGI, much more believable.

I can't understand why anyone goes to any but the very best of films, but I'd defend their right to do as they wish to the very last! It's up to the individual how they spend their leisure time and their money.

Mad Doug Biker

Just a damaged guy.
Craggy Island
We've seen "Blame it on Fidel" a while ago (thought it was French, or is my memory going?:biggrin: ), and we loved it!

It probably was. May I point out that I didn't fall asleep through boredom, I was just genuinely tired :biggrin::blush:

Some very disturbing anti-film posts on here!

I'm a self-confessed film geek/nerd/weirdo etc and go to the cinema at least twice a week. The highlight of my week is listening to Simon Mayo and Mark Kermode's film review radio program on 5 live.

Yes I've heard that before. Quite entertaining at times!

Also, if you haven't seen; It's a Wonderful Life, the Exorcist, 2001, Alien, Annie Hall, Taxi Driver, Back to the Future, Sunset Boulevard and Mary Poppins, you need to sort your life out!!!

I know! films are such a fundamental part of modern life, I mean, what are you doing? are you living in a bloody cave, rubbing sticks together to make fire or something?? :hello:

I go to 1 or 2 films a year - the rest are just boring. Don't watch much non-news TV either.

Most mainstream films I don't see, I'll agree (all formulaic predictable dross aimed at adolecents), but as for T.V. the likes of BBC 4 is usually quite good.

I can't understand why anyone goes to any but the very best of films,

But how can you know if they are the best films or not if you don't go to the cinema and see them?
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