Anyone tried Viagra....?

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Deleted member 1258

I hear the local OAP home hand them out to the old boys every night, it stops them rolling over during the night and falling out of bed
dave r said:
I hear the local OAP home hand them out to the old boys every night, it stops them rolling over during the night and falling out of bed biddy

Corrected that for you dave...;)
Wigsie said:
I woke up around 30 minutes later with a raging lob on and didnt matter how many times I took matters into my own hands it wouldn't go down for more than a few minutes.... plus I had a mental headache and felt really hot in the face.

If you are looking for an antidote to the effects of Viagra, just put a pebble in your shoe. It makes you limp.


Rare Migrant
Alan Frame said:
If you are looking for an antidote to the effects of Viagra, just put a pebble in your shoe. It makes you limp.



Legendary Member
All joking aside I was offered them after I damaged my spine in an accident, I turned down the offer as my wife had walked out on me as she didn’t want to be married to a cripple and too be honest I couldn’t care a shoot if I had sex or not


Lunatic Asylum Escapee
You have to ask for Viagra by its new name of "MYCOXAFLOPPIN"

My 72 year old mother is on these things for her heart condition, I asked does it have any effect?, she just looked at me and said "No you're still a little P***K at times" :biggrin:

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