Anyone use "Cycle Recovery" from Lexham Insurance?

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Legendary Member
Hw many times are you going to claim over (say) 3 years, and how far will a £45 taxi ride get you.

And if you claim less than once every three years, well - I leave that as a simple exercise in arithmetic.


It's a bit more complicated than that...
Can anyone find a policy wording? I'd want to see that before commenting.


Legendary Member
If I'm out on my bike, then my pickup is sad idle at home. A phone call for help will have Mrs Drago or my daughter wending their way towards me in my truck, flask of hot Bovril poised to give me comfort and succour.
I got it free, or something similar a year or so ago with, I think British Cycling Membership via a triathlon club. At least I think that was how, but I'm not sure, was free with something anyway.
Never needed to use it, bikes are pretty simple things when it comes to it. Tyre deflations don't happen on the shopping bike(M+ tyres) - just as well as I need awhile to get one on/off. Roadbike is easy. Only thing that has left me walking 10 minutes to nearest bike shop was a broken chain and no tool.

Edit: Just had memory jogged by something I read, I had the Institute of Advanced Motorists Total Cycle Assist. Still can't remember how I got it free though.
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