charlie brooker on channel 2... feckin hilarious
N noggin New Member 1 Nov 2007 #2 is that screen wipe yes agree very wry sense of huour I like and "Flight of the Chonchords" is quite good when they do their rap thing to camera
is that screen wipe yes agree very wry sense of huour I like and "Flight of the Chonchords" is quite good when they do their rap thing to camera
M Melvil Guest 1 Nov 2007 #3 noggin said: and "Flight of the Chonchords" is quite good when they do their rap thing to camera Click to expand... Mother uckers uckin' with my shi?
noggin said: and "Flight of the Chonchords" is quite good when they do their rap thing to camera Click to expand... Mother uckers uckin' with my shi?