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Ride It Like You Stole It!
South Manchester
Intelligenthamster said:
Most revolting creepy crawly experience I know was suffered by by brother, then also my housemate, in a rented damp house. He paid a nocturnal visit to the loo in the dark and trod on a slug that had crawled into the house. He was barefoot at the time, his yelp of disgust woke me up!

That sort of experience did in a mate of mine who was at Uni - packed it in as the house was that bad.....slugs getting in everywhere.....:ohmy:


Cake connoisseur
fossyant said:
That sort of experience did in a mate of mine who was at Uni - packed it in as the house was that bad.....slugs getting in everywhere.....:ohmy:
In one of my student abodes we once found a slug caught on a mouse trap :biggrin:

I don't really mind spiders, though don't like large ones lurking in the house. If I'm in the right frame of mind I can pick up fairly hefty ones.

Yellow Fang

Legendary Member
I can't say I'm too keen on spiders. There was a big house spider in my bedroom for several days. Eventually I got a glass and a bit of paper and trapped it. Only the paper flopped away from the glass a bit and the spider's legs started to poke out. I had to hold the paper more tightly to the glass, but it wasn't very thick and I could feel its legs. I was pretty glad to get down those six flights of stairs and out into the yard.


Vice Admiral
Ok with spiders, as long as they are less than about two inches across. I get a wodge of kitchen roll, about two or three sheets, and pick them up with that, and chuck them down the loo or out the window, or out the front door!

Yellow Fang, that was above and beyond the call of duty to carry a spider down six flights of stairs.

You will no doubt have realised, that anyone really scared of spiders will not be reading this thread.


had a simply enormous black spider in the house the other night. it moved so fast I thought It was going to get away but Mrs P knocked me out the way and beat the 7 bells of s%$£ out of it with the fly swat :ohmy::biggrin::biggrin:


Baggy said:
I don't really mind spiders, though don't like large ones lurking in the house. If I'm in the right frame of mind I can pick up fairly hefty ones.

I luv a gurl with a bit of ass ! :ohmy:


Legendary Member
Davywalnuts said:
Also a very good film still personally!

My sister snuck the video on for her and an old boyfriend to watch without telling him what it was.

He got up, got in his car, drove off and didn't come round for a week :blush:.


Good balance of replies here, the 'afraid's and 'not afraid's in about equal numbers. :blush: Thanks: keep 'em coming.

Just thought I'd mention the old proverb: "If you wish to live and thrive, let a spider run alive"... Even if you're one of the 'phobes, please please try not to kill them!


Legendary Member
Can't handle them at all. Little ones, maybe. Anything remotely bigger than a penny and I'm freaking out. I'm not proud of it but there we are. I honestly think it would be enough to put me off moving to Australia. We had considered that last year and the thought of the spiders made my stomach cold. What a woos, eh?


New Member
Brazilian Black tarantulas are supposed to be quite docile, aren't they?

UK spiders don't bother me much at all. Indeed spiders are a good thing to have about as they eat the things you don't want to have about.

On the other hand, if we had these (even though not a true spider, and not particularly venomous but the bites are prone to nasty infections I'm told) living & breeding in the UK, I'd be wanting to emigrate - probably to somewhere like the Antarctic..


(not for the squeamish)

AS for visiting the Fair Land Of Vegemite... aaaiiieeee!!


North Wales
Yellow Fang said:
I can't say I'm too keen on spiders. There was a big house spider in my bedroom for several days. Eventually I got a glass and a bit of paper and trapped it. Only the paper flopped away from the glass a bit and the spider's legs started to poke out. I had to hold the paper more tightly to the glass, but it wasn't very thick and I could feel its legs. I was pretty glad to get down those six flights of stairs and out into the yard.

xx( Reading that gave me the heebie jeebies BIGTIMExx(




Funnel webs are pretty bad and to look at....makes me itchy !


I'm honestly sorry for this picture - its pretty bad even for me...

F**k goin to aussie land ! for this very reason !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The thing that amazes me about australia is that blackwidows are jsut as common as teh house spider is in england - like i said: there is NO WAY your getting me over their !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Vice Admiral
Who would have helped me get the live mouse out of the kitchen today?
It was large, and very fast!

I picked it up and put it outside. :biggrin: (I was wearing garden gloves, just in case it gave me a germ-laden bite).
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