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nothing in moderation
sis-in-law has signed up to sell the stuff through some sort of network marketing. she wants mrs alec to have a go doing it as well.

the product seems ok, but as a childminder with four of our own, i can't see it really working for us.

naturally, looking on the internet gives only the evangelists and the nay-sayers.

anyone actually made a reasonable return fitting it around a day job, and without having to hard-sell your friends and family?

twentysix by twentyfive

Clinging on tightly
Over the Hill
Nope - not that I know anyone who has tried


It's the same as any multi-level marketing program, yes you can make money out of it. But and here the big but, you will not make a lot of money out of it unless you sign up other people in your down-line (you will make a percentage of there commission).


Legendary Member
Some friends tried to get me and Mrs Gti to sign up to Amway and we even went along to a presentation. When we declined they cut us off and didn't speak to us for a year. Some friends, eh?

I think pyramid selling schemes (though they always avoid using that term) are for people of limited imagination.


Legendary Member
sis-in-law has signed up to sell the stuff through some sort of network marketing. she wants mrs alec to have a go doing it as well.

the product seems ok, but as a childminder with four of our own, i can't see it really working for us.

naturally, looking on the internet gives only the evangelists and the nay-sayers.

anyone actually made a reasonable return fitting it around a day job, and without having to hard-sell your friends and family?

You are asking in the wrong place I think. Most people here won't know unless they have real experience of working with one of these companies, for some time. I think you need to ask folk who know what they are talking about when it comes to making important decision like this.

For what it worth having had a quick look at the website, it's a very simple decision to make. Is the company a member of the British Direct Selling Assocition? If yes then the company is as safe as any other company. Do you want to sell cosmetics in your spare time to people? Will you feel comfortable doing it? Do you want to build up a team of like minded people to do the same and nurture and train them? Do you want a cheap way of setting up your own franchise style business? If the answers yes, then do it. If no, don't waste your time or your sisters in laws.

Don't make excuses this is a business like any other business, it will take a great deal of time and effort, but if successful you should see some good rewards, and good income, it probably will not make you rich, but with time and a lot of work ( like any other form of self emplyment) it could give you a nice full time income. you may even enjoy it.

In short. Can you be bothered with it? Yes or No?


Legendary Member
I should also say, that if your wife signs up you should do it with her, to support her at the very least and help her should she need it.


Re member eR
Carl is right. A customer of mine tried to interest me in Herbalife. It wasn't for me even though we did go to a couple of meetings. She was making a very handsome living from it though and she hadn't been at it particularly long either. Perhaps 4 years. She was however a very determined, single minder character.

Carl is right if it is something you do take up treat it as a proper business, not just something to 'have a play at'.


Legendary Member
A further point I'd like to make is, if you decide not proceed, tell you SIL respectfully, wish her well with it, but you prefer not proceed, don't make excuses, just say you don to want to do it, nicely. Then to soften the blow, buy something from her range.

As colly alluded too, there are other companies out there that offer similar products an marketing plans, if you like the concept you might want to consider those companies as well to see what they have to offer.

I would like to point out too a fundamental difference to Pyramind Selling and Network or Multi level marketing. It's is not just terminology. Pyramind Selling is when a company requires you to buy stock, often a lot of it, usually not returnable or refundable then sell it on your self if you can. Pyramind Selling is illegal in this country. Network or Multi level marketing is when you take orders for products then deliver the already sold products and get paid for them. By law there has to be an unconditional money back guarantee for these items.

I hope this information helps you to make an informed decision. I have a friend by the name of Mike Bibby, an ex prison officer, who earns a very considerable sum as Kleeneze distributor, these MLM system do work for people who put the time an effort into them .


Legendary Member
Pyramid selling is completely unethical - those at the bottom of the pyramid have absolutely no chance of making any money, in fact all they do is lose. If you're comfortable with that you could give it a try, but you might ask yourself why a family member is trying to get you on board. Could it be there aren't enough people out there to make this scheme work? The maths is relatively simple to do - it even makes sense to me and I'm crap at maths.

You clearly do not know the difference between PS and MLM. As for unethical where is your evidence? The mathematics argument does not work either, as you can not work into the equation the fickle nature of the human being and the infinite numbers of people that there will be. You do not need many people within one marketing scheme to work successfully, even if the numbers were limited it would take several lifetimes for a scheme to reach a point were there was no one left to recruit.


Legendary Member
I do know the difference. There are not infinite numbers of people. Personal experience is evidence enough for me to see that when participation involves recruiting teams of people, only early recruiters make money. Late recruiters in the game lose money hand over fist and have to resort to blackmailing family members to join. As someone else has pointed out, pyramid schemes are meant to be illegal in this country, but there are ways round the law, as you have demonstrated.

It was me that pointed that out if you had taken the trouble to read the post properly.

Proof if proof were needed that the OP needs to make an informed decision by asking people who know about theses things and not take the un-informed opinions of people he does not know on the Internet, who do not know what they are talking about.


Legendary Member
I'm sure his SiL will put him right

Possibly, but she may be new to the scheme as well, and maybe blinded by unbridled enthusiasm for her new project. The OP needs to find someone, if he's interested enough, who has had many years experience in this field who can give him advice, and not seek the advice of people on a bicycle forum, about selling cosmetics. CC is great forum for idle chat and about cycling, but not a good place for sound business advice, in my humble opinion.


Legendary Member
So why are you attempting to provide it? :thumbsup:

I wasn't trying to provide business advice, or I didn't think I was, I was trying to advise the OP that he should speak to people who actually know what they are talking about.

It occurs to me that OP has been silent here since he started this debate, so it's all probably been a complete waste of time.
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