Arch of York..was this you?

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Rhythm Thief

Not our Arch (who is, of course, a bloke). Unless she's using a false name to spare her blushes ... :angry:


Married to Night Train
Landslide said:
Arch is a woman??? :thumbsdown:

:biggrin: I see I've stepped up from "Arch is a girl!?" - that's what hitting 40 does for you...

No, it wasn't me, but poor girl, she did have a lucky escape. Thank god my mother didn't hear about it. She half convinced herself that my flat had been consumed by the fire at the Minster stoneyard last week (I live within about 500 yards of the Minster), then remembered she'd spoken to me since it happened...

I'm pretty cautious on the snow - I was walking bits today with other cyclists coming past in the saddle, but I really don't fancy a tumble.


I always presumed that 'Arch' was a pseudonym for the top bishop in York and that he simply has a good cover story as a long term PhD student.


Legendary Member
But there's a small pic in the article of a cyclish hanging some car tyres. What did the tyres do to deserve that?

Rhythm Thief

wafflycat said:
Arch is a woman.

Crikey. And I thought she was a boy named Sue.:thumbsdown:
are chesticles different to moobs? I hope so otherwise I'm a woman as well.

Today I feel like a statistic - a section of the community broken down by age and sex.


New Member
John Ponting said:
are chesticles different to moobs? I hope so otherwise I'm a woman as well.

Chesticles are very different to moobs. Ladies have chesticles, not moobs. Only the male of the species has moobs
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