Are all women permanently frozen?

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Legendary Member
My wife never stops complaining that she's cold; she runs the heating full blast, turns up the room stat, burns the woodburner too hot and still sits huddled up on the sofa shivering, while my son and I are sweating. Now she is complaining that the heating isn't performing (doesn't seem to have noticed that it's quite cold outside) and wants me to DO SOMETHING about it.

One clue might be the fact that for supper last night she ate one single slice of cheese on toast. My belief is that if she exercised more regularly she would have better muscle tone, which would keep her warm and she would be able to eat a higher calorie diet without worrying about putting on weight.

Am I alone or do other blokes suffer in the same way?


Comrade Member
Limoges or York
..or woolly pullie for Christmas?

..or tell her that being cold is a form of exercise due to the calories the body uses to maintain correct temp. Turning up the heating will merely prevent weight loss.

Haven't tried this on MOH yet, let me know how it goes.
Rigid Raider said:
One clue might be the fact that for supper last night she ate one single slice of cheese on toast. My belief is that if she exercised more regularly she would have better muscle tone, which would keep her warm and she would be able to eat a higher calorie diet without worrying about putting on weight. muscle tone is fine (if I say so myself) and I eat chocolate, and I'm still Freezing. There's something wrong with all you blokes who are never cold - male menopause perhaps ?:biggrin:


Cycling in the sun
Mr Summerdays seems to be warmer than me.... but I don't turn up the heating (well just a bit in this really cold snap - thermostat is still set below 20), currently wearing 2 pairs of socks, and extra layers to keep myself warm. I think that's why he is thinner - his body seems to be adjusted to spend more energy on keeping him warm.


I used never to feel the cold. I do a bit now, but I don't suffer as much as Mr radger. I refuse to put the heating on in most of the flat, even now though - his aversion to jumpers has something to do with this. :biggrin:
On the other hand, he seems to have a surface temperature about 10º (ok, maybe 5º) higher than me, but I believe this is a fairly normal difference between men and women.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
I feel the cold, had to put on the most-unattractive bed socks last night as I couldn't persuade the dog or husband to warm my feet up.

I didn't used to feel the cold when a real bloater but now I'm a bit more svelte I just can't seem to regulate my body temperature that well. I gather it can take a couple of years after losing weight to do so.


radger said:
I used never to feel the cold. I do a bit now, but I don't suffer as much as Mr radger. I refuse to put the heating on in most of the flat, even now though - his aversion to jumpers has something to do with this. :biggrin:
On the other hand, he seems to have a surface temperature about 10º (ok, maybe 5º) higher than me, but I believe this is a fairly normal difference between men and women.

Euro Asian Women have a layer of fat of their body's which men don't so this makes a lot of sense.


Started young, and still going.
Mrs P is always cold, even in the summer. In Majorca a little while back, the temperature was up in the eighties, but as soon as the sun went down in the evening, it was still very warm, she had to go and put a cardigan on as she had goosebumps due to the coolness of the night. I had my shorts and a polo shirt on and ws still to hot. This time of year she lives in many layers of clothes and thick socks and at bedtime wears slipper socks in bed:ohmy: She is always turning the heating up as well.


Senior Member
Another frozen woman here. I have an excuse - mild hypothryoidism. I am permanently cold and remain cold in bed unless I have used the electric blanket. Exercise, food etc makes no difference. I have lost 1.5 stone in the last year but there has been no increase / decrease in perceived body temperature. In hot summer weather once the sun goes in I am frozen. Just have to live with it I guess.
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