Are you Posh?

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Senior Member
West London
I hate 'your the best' as opposed to 'you're the best' and I refuse to shop in pikeymark,tk maz or morrisons. I also say, Hayley and I and can't stand done when it should be did or less when it should be fewer!!

Having said that, I love bargains and don't mind Cheryl Cole...


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
DJ said:
One can be Poor and still be Posh can't one!?

Indeed one can. It's what Dickens or Austen would call 'genteel poverty' and tended to happen to widows whose husband's money all went to the mean eldest son, or was lost in the South Sea Bubble.

Posh, moi? I don't know, I speak reasonably well, but I live very cheaply. I buy my Crespo black olives in the largest size jar, does that say anything?


Rich does not equal posh. I have a good friend who is a laird, lives in a castle, but is relatively poor. He is asset rich but cash poor. The burden of running the estate and maintaining the family home has left him with few options. But he is certainly not a rich man.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
My Mum reckons there should be a special benefit available to people who are poor but have good taste, to allow them to have Sanderson/William Morris wallpaper and curtains.

It would also allow the purchase of bike kit, of course.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Baggy said:
I wouldn't describe myself as posh, but I'm a well-spoken classy bird.

Many years ago I worked for one of the Rothschilds, whom I'd describe as beyond posh.

My mistake, Baggy. I always assumed your username was short for BagLady:biggrin:

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Rich by name, rich by ..... Oh well, one out of two.

We used to have a real tramp hereabouts who turned up 2 or 3 times a year in a waxed cotton jacket spouting Shakespeare to himself in a very well spoken voice. Obviously an educated bloke who had fallen on hard times. I used to regard him as posh but clearly he had very little in terms of wealth.

He smelt bloody awful though!

p.s. Should that be 'smelled' , smelt is a fish isn't it?:smile:


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
Someone is recognisably posh when people around then alter their natural way of speaking and start to talk as their mothers taught them to when speaking to their betters.
Are you posh

Farky said:
I hate 'your the best' as opposed to 'you're the best' and I refuse to shop in pikeymark,tk maz or morrisons. I also say, Hayley and I and can't stand done when it should be did or less when it should be fewer!!

Having said that, I love bargains and don't mind Cheryl Cole...

You know, I said something similar to what you've said and I received a really sarky remark - was going to say something but thought I would rise above it. I don't share your dislike of T K Maxx as they sell cashmere jumpers at bargain price but do hate Morrisons. Also 'he was sat' when should be 'he was sitting'. I hope I don't get another horrid reply which is a bit offputting to a fairly new member.
Arch said:
My Mum reckons there should be a special benefit available to people who are poor but have good taste, to allow them to have Sanderson/William Morris wallpaper and curtains.

It would also allow the purchase of bike kit, of course.

That's a great idea Arch! I think I might have a Womble for you if you want it if I can find it (Tobermory), going off the subject of poshness.

rich p

ridiculous old lush
Campfire said:
You know, I said something similar to what you've said and I received a really sarky remark - was going to say something but thought I would rise above it. I don't share your dislike of T K Maxx as they sell cashmere jumpers at bargain price but do hate Morrisons. Also 'he was sat' when should be 'he was sitting'. I hope I don't get another horrid reply which is a bit offputting to a fairly new member.

Blimey, Campfire, don't take offence on here too easily. There are some who shoot from the hip and are best avoiding or taking on!

I personally can't stand the sporting phrase "We got beat":biggrin:
Yes Rich, I take that on board, just haven't got the hang of all this just yet.

I will also be very careful not to make too casual a use of the ampersand which comes from working in typesetting and graphics to fit as much in a space as possible.
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