Armstrong 'cancer is my terror'

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mr Mag00

rising member
nice piece i thought.

cancer is a greater terror to him than sept 11 2001,

i have to agree. 27.5 million have died since then from cancer shame the weapon for oil money wasnt spent on that, my thoughts not his :girl:

Mr Pig

New Member
The goal he has set: "to conquer cancer". He declared: "And we're going to win."

Hate to say it mate but...


Legendary Member
Good luck to him.

Being optimistic about his chances of success will enable him to do work that will improve many lives.

Keep your glass half full Mr A.


Legendary Member
At some point, I suspect (I hope) we will find a cure. And I'd rather he was positive in the meantime.


Über Member
Mr Pig said:
But you're not. Not going to beat cancer.

I'm not. People will. There are some amazing breakthroughs in the worlds of genetics and oncology right now. Still lab stuff, but great strides will be made in the next decade.


Über Member
Cancer will be beaten-it is only a matter of time. We should help in any way possible instead of being negative about it . Go out and raise money for some of the cancer charities-they will be so greatful.Lance Armstrong went at his illness head on and through the right frame of mind he is where he is today.Positive thinking and actions are confident steps in helping people overcome their fears. My younger brother has lymphoma and after treatment he is not letting it overcome him and has gone back to work as a taxi driver.He knows that he will not be free of it but he refuses to let it beat him!


Senior hunter
Mr Pig said:
But you're not. Not going to beat cancer.

I did. Twice!

And one of these days we'll understand the mechanisms that will enable us to "turn off" malignancy.

However, we also need to address the environmental triggers that contribute to the chances you will be one of three Britons who will be thrust into the fight for life against the crab.


Über Member
There are certain cancers which are still a death sentence. Pancreatic cancer is one of those whose death rate is actually rising. The problem is that once the symptoms emerge it's too late to do anything about it. Early diagnosis, to me, is currently the key to beating cancer. And most cancer treatments are horrible too. It's no cake walk.

Auntie Helen

Ich bin Powerfrau!
I very much empathise with Armstrong's statement about cancer being his terror. I had a bone tumour 15 years ago and everything was sorted within 5 years. However I know that if I find the tiniest symptom of anything similar, the years just fall away and I feel as frightened as I did then, if not more so (I now know what's coming). It's not a case of "you've faced that fear, you can conquer it now", more of "you've had to deal with that once and don't know if you could again", if that makes sense.


Smutmaster General
I also think that sometime in the not too distant future, a method of turning off malignancy (as randochap put it) will be found... eventually for all cancers... I live in the knowledge that everyone in my dad's family who's died (he was one of 10 siblings, and his mum died aged 36) has died of some form of cancer (stomach, breast, lung, you name it)... so maybe for me it's an inevitability at some point... so I always support cancer charidees :tongue:
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