Arthur's first bike ride!

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Legendary Member
I always take a change of clothes since Arthur pooed over his clothes in an aquarium in California and had to spend the day half naked :sad:


Legendary Member
Too much info. in that last posting Cathryn.:sad::sad:
Nice to share your happy pics.:sad:


New Member
Cathryn said:
Well it happened!!

19 weeks to the day that a small bundle of noise and lungs burst into our lives, he went on his first bike ride in his trailer round Ladybower reservoir!!! He was really good....slept through most of it and didn't complain at all.

Me? Loved every second, although it's SUCH HARD WORK!!! I shall be fit again in no time!!

The moment before the off. Arthur looking considerably less excited than I am.

Is Arthur looking at the cassette cluster and thinking "She's gonna need more gears":laugh:

Very nice pics Cathryn.


Marie Attoinette Fan
Cathryn said:
I always take a change of clothes since Arthur pooed over his clothes in an aquarium in California and had to spend the day half naked :sad:
Did you remember to get a pic to show his mates when he's a teenager :sad: :sad:


Legendary Member
Luvverly little baby! Takes me back to when mine was born - an extended breech, it took some molehusbandry to get him out but we did it naturally.


Secret Lemonade Drinker
Well done Arthur on his first ride, and equally well done mum & dad on taking him. There are millions of parents who wouldn't do what you did - and their children lose out as a result.

What a lovely experience, and perfect for getting mum fit again.


Legendary Member
Tell me about it!! I had no idea it would be such hard work!!

I now need to pluck up the courage to take him out on normal roads. Very nervous about the roads of Leeds, so need to do some thinking about where next.


Cycling in the sun
Cathryn said:
Tell me about it!! I had no idea it would be such hard work!!

I now need to pluck up the courage to take him out on normal roads. Very nervous about the roads of Leeds, so need to do some thinking about where next.

Not knowing what sort of area you live in ... are there small roads near you that you can start on or would it be straight into fairly major traffic? And what about hills - I've only visited Leeds once so I can't remember much but I'm sure it wasn't flat?

I'm sure I've seen someone push their cycle trailer around the supermarket with their child in it. Could you do a dash and grab supermarket run with it (as opposed to trying to buy too much).


Nice one Cathyrn, the only thing you did wrong was pull the trailer yourself - why didn't you make the hubbie do all the hard work?! :wacko:

You'll have to let me know how you get on with Arthur & the trailer (perhaps he could have his own CC chronicles). I've threatened to put my new nephew or niece on the back of my bike as an experiment.


Legendary Member
I was desperate to pull the trailer. We both cycle but it's my passion. If Richard had pulled it, it would have been like me taking him to play football for the first time.

We live in the city centre so the roads are pretty manic. I'm going to spend the afternoon trying to work out quiet roads to the places I tend to go to, and then hopefully we can be up and away. There's a lot to get used to - the extra weight but also the fact that I stick out further on both sides (Richard said I nearly wiped out a hiker yesterday) and the whole pot-hole thing. In order to avoid driving my Pride and Joy (child) into a pothole, I have to drive my other Pride and Joy (bike) directly into them, and that's all very odd.


Great pics Cathryn ... good to see you both looking so well.

Main roads of Leeds with the nipper - :biggrin: - I think your plan of quieter roads is a good one!! :biggrin:

You'll definitely have to bring Arthur on a CC East Yorks Posse ride this summer. Arch can carry the bottles, I'll pop the spare nappies in my jersey pocket, and the rest can draw straws on who carries the dirty nappies home ... :wacko:

Shaun :biggrin:


Grimpeur des terrains plats
Good to see you out & about, great pictures.

Took me about 6 months before the girls got taken out, but your harness looks better. Definetly kept my 'sanity' & some level of fitness in that 'first year'. Lot easier when Ollie came & just one!

Yes it's quite strange having to realise your 'wider' with a trailer & the state of roads etc, avoiding not just the potholes for your bike but the trailer too. The trailers do fit quite a lot but we never went that far. Hornsea, 25 mile round trip, but with the transoprting of cotton nappies.

A big flag for the trailer helps if you've got one, this for motorised road users to see you, but scares the heck out of horses, & ther'es loads near me.

Aaargh baby poo & vomit, you really have to live it too believe it's 'spreadability'

Passed on the trailer (with a provisio they pass it on when they finish with it) to a friend last week, genuine sadness to see it go, but the joy on the mums face as she tested it down the street (hit the kerb- not judging the width)

Great fun & the perfect baby snoozing device :wacko:
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