Audax/ Sportive nr Weymouth

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New Member
I'm doing JOGLE next year but I live on Jersey, which is only 9 miles by 5. I'm doing rides of about 40 miles at the moment and it's ok but once I start doing 50 miles plus it's going to get tedious!

So I've thought about getting the boat over to Weymouth and going for a weekend ride but as I don't know the area wondered if there were any audax or sportive rides coming up the next few months?

I've had a look at the Audax UK site but as I don't know the Weymouth area I'm not sure which are close by. ;)

Can anyone help?


Über Member
There are a couple if you search the Audax calendar for Dorset.

Primrose Path 100 from Corscombe (25 miles from Weymouth) on 7th Feb
Dorset Coast 200 from Wareham on 11th April 2010
Dorset Downs 100 from Dorchester on 16th May 2010

IanH will be along soon to convince you that Honiton is close by too... :angry:

Ian H

Ancient randonneur
Greenbank said:
IanH will be along soon to convince you that Honiton is close by too... :smile:

Tis but a short distance to the East Devon town aforementioned. What is more, there are some interesting events that run from there.
(Is that what you wished me to say, Mr Greenbank :smile: )


New Member
John O'Groats to Lands End

I am looking to riders (ideally team of 4) to join me in cycling from John O'Graots to Lands End in May 2010 over 6/7 days.

If interested and want to discuss furthe just let me know on



New Member
Thanks for you replies, amnesia- hills are what I need, even if I don't necessarily want them :laugh:

I've had a look at the ferry timetables but good old Condorferries run about 2 fast cats per week over winter, and I really don't have the stomach for a 10 hour crossing on the slow boat. So until the summer timetable comes out I'll stick to going round in circles on the island! Might look at the 100 from Dorcester in May though, depending on the boats of course!


amnesia said:
Be warned... EVERYWHERE from Weymouth is up hill :laugh:

There's some not insignificant hills on Jersey too. Corbiere, Bouley Bay, Bonne Nuit etc. I found that Queens Road (A9) out of St Helier up to the north coast is one long drag!
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