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Mad at urage

New Member
I used to cycle everywhere in London; cars were too slow and the tube too dirty. Even when we moved to the suburbs, it was easier to get around by bike (hiring a car when absolutely necessary) and a 32 mile cycle commute became 24 miles (round trip).

Moved job and home out of London and the commute became 12 miles round, then they gave me a car and customers all over UK. Occasionally I would work in one location for long enough to make cycling from the hotel worthwhile, but it's three years since I last did even that!

Finally I am back working mostly from an office: Probably only for six months, but I can get back to cycle commuting :hello:. Second day back on the bike today :biggrin: :biggrin: , painful but by @@@@ I'd forgotten how much fun it is! :laugh:.

Nice to be back!

An aged cyclist.:hello:


Welcome back to the cycling fold, and to the funny farm that is CC ... I'm sure you'll enjoy both ... :thumbsup:

Shaun :biggrin:
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