Big Big Bear!

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Now, im a very placid bear as my name suggests ,but this boy was a maneater.... literally !
He stood 12' 6" to shoulder and weighed about 1600 lb !:blush:

I remember camping in canada and was given a whistle as protection against bears ,do you think it would have done any good,with this one? :blush:


Legendary Member
Sorry Benn but that pic is really small. I can't see it.

Edit: Ah ha, now I can. That's a big bear.


It had killed 3 people,it was a maneater,very dangerous and was actually charging the guy who shot it,he emptied his gun into it and it colapsed 10 feet from him, he had to shoot it in the head to finally kill it!Brave guy!there's a pic of one of the bears victims they found, but i thought it too gruesome to put on here .
It is a shame tho, what a magnificent beast !


Über Member
err, have a look on scope or snoop or whatever it's called - long story short = it's fake. The email about the whole story was doing the rounds a few years ago and was quickly exposed as a fake - a combination of photoshopery, angles and pure BS :biggrin:

(sorry to black cat your thread) :becool: :smile:


Really ? i did'nt know ,just saw it while surfing the web !
Something must have eaten that bloke tho ? that looked real .
Apologies people !


Über Member
GentleBenn said:
Really ? i did'nt know ,just saw it while surfing the web !
Something must have eaten that bloke tho ? that looked real .
Apologies people !

Ben, no worries.

Have a close look at the bloke who's been "eaten" - look at how some parts are completely untouched - clothing undisturbed - but others are 'missing'. Also note how clean the surrounding area is and ask yourself why the bear didn't touch the abdomen or genitalia (both favorite - soft spots - for bears) :biggrin:
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