Bike Saddle ,what ya suggest to go with?

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Legendary Member
My opinion? Avoid heavy soft saddles like that one. They may feel seductively soft but they won't support the sit bones of your pelvis properly, they will transfer the weight to the softer bits and cause you numbness and soreness.

Better to try some harder, better shaped saddles. Be prepared to buy and sell some saddles until you find one that suits you. Ebay is your friend here. A couple of suggestions:

Specialized Body Geometry:

Flite original:

Lots of people are buying this now and loving it:

...and there's also the Charge Knife, which is the most comfortable saddle I've ever tried, even better than the respected Flite: It also looks quite sexy and weighs very little, less than the Flite.

I expect others will be along soon with some other ideas.


There's the Charge Spoon and Charge knife (as above) or if your arse is like mine and not shaped for the more racing saddles, a Brooks B17 or B66 are worth a look


As long as I breathe, I attack.
I have a charge spoon and i want another one , trouble is a lot of places are out of stock and i am not paying new prices for a secondhand one off ebay , i have been bidding on about 4-5 and they are all going for over £20 with P+P for a used one.

I can wait ..


Quite dreadful
lost somewhere
I bought a Charge Spoon ten days ago and I'm really impressed. I'm new to road bikes but it is far better than the standard saddle that came with the Specialized |Secteur 2010.


New Member
Got a Charge Spoon on my Plug Racer and it's nice enough, but going back to the Brooks B17 on my commuter yesterday was like sitting in an armchair. You don't get much more comfortable than a broken-in Brooks. It just takes quite a while to get it that way!


Hi, fellas. In badly need of a nice bike saddle. I've just looked into this density saddle. Will I be disappointed? Am I on the right track? Any other good options?

I wish I (we) could give a definitive answer. Sadly, there isn't one. There isn't a 'one size fits all'.

So much depends on your backside, the type of bike you have (and position on it) and how you want to ride.

I personally would avoid anything too soft or foam-like, or even gel. Firmer saddles are, perhaps counter intuitively, somewhat more comfortable in my experience. Then there's saddle shape; I tend to prefer a broad flat-ish saddle - like the Spec Avatar. I don't get on with thinner razor edge type ones. My fave saddle, or so it seems, is the one that came std on my On-One fixed... and I couldn't even tell you who makes it!

Edit: Sorry, but I reckon it's trial and error. Maybe start with the Charge Spoon (since it's relatively cheap and has a good and growing reputation), spend some time getting it set up and then give it some time... work out your own preferences from there.
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