Bleedin' idjut!

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New Member
..yep that's me...I was just out on my loop, was stopped at the lights in Brentwood and went to take a swig from the water bottle...the lights changed and I whacked the bottle right into my mouth and embedded my front tooth in my lip! Blood everywhere...and it's still dripping....are cateye computers covered for blood damage on a warranty?:blush::rolleyes::o)


Smutmaster General
Where are you bleeding from?
I'm from bleeding Brentwood (with apols to whoever posted the same joke yesterday...)
Hope the blood flow stops! :blush:


Legendary Member
Couple of weeks ago I was walking the bike when I stumbled and fell onto it, sitting on the chainring, three teeth piercing my backside. Ouch! Only just lost the scabs.
Fnaar said:
Where are you bleeding from?
I'm from bleeding Brentwood (with apols to whoever posted the same joke yesterday...)
Hope the blood flow stops! :smile:

That was ME! :blush:

BFTB! You should have gone into the Victoria Arms in Ongar Road just down from the high street: a pint of Abbot Ale would have seen you right. :o)
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