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New Member
I get on great with my Mitchelin Pro 2 tyres, have been using them for a while and I really like them.

Had one bad experience where something nasty in the road (never did find it, but certainly felt it) put a whole in my side wall causing the innertube to blow out. Obviously in this situation my spare tube didn't last long in the tyre and the result was a walk home.

I'm now riding with a spare tyre folded under my seat, I've never had this problem before, but the paranoia has set in!

I remember in the past getting a mesh in punctuar repair kits for this problem, have not seen these for a long time, perhaps no good for 100psi plus pressures.

If there anything that can be carried for the event of a ripped side wall that would mean me not having to carry a whole tyre?


Tim Bennet.

Entirely Average Member
S of Kendal
Often an folded bank note will do it. Alternatively, get hold of a piece of Tyvek waterproof and tear proof paper. A common source of this is as envelopes but you can also get it as the water proof race numbers you get at athletics and orienteering events to pin on your vest. I believe they also wrap new houses in it as the water proof membrane. Whatever the source, its light and easily carryable and has always worked for me with side wall damage to race tyres.

With bigger touring tyres, carrying a length of race tyre with the bead cut off works well as an emergency boot. Put it in between the inner and the damaged tyre.
Crispbag or similar rubbish you find at the roadside will do it, if it's a small 'whole' (sic) but you're going to struggle if it's a long gaping slit.

Some people cut a section a couple of inches long out of an old tyre (like the one you gashed - do you still have it ?) and cut off the beads, carry that to fit inside the damaged tyre.
- a 'tyre boot'


New Member
The piece of old tyre one makes sense.

The problem I found when making boots out of things was that the boot wanted to push through the hole.

I've still got the old tyre and another so will try and boot the blown out tyre whith a piece of worn out tyre as an experiment.

I did succeed partially with a fibre glass boot I made up, this broke up and punctuard the tube after about 500 miles (wanted to see ho long it would last

Just wondered if someone made something specific for the purpose?

In an emergency a piece of handlebar tape will make a very effective tyre boot.

The best way, as suggested, is a section of old tyre carried in your pack. I have never heard of anything made commercially, and with it being so easy to make your own there is really no need.


I think boots to repair damage to tyres is strictly a get-you-home solution, I don't think I'd feel overly comfortable using one long term unless I was sure the damage wasn't going to cause a greater split to appear. I have used large patches stuck on the inside of tyres to reinforce particularly large cuts in the tyre from glass, but I don't trust them for very long and prefer to replace the entire tyre.

I guess historically people did repair some gashes in tyre walls, and that's why you used to get repair bits in puncture kits, but I think along with the rest of society, even cyclists have got into a bit more of a disposable/throw-away mindset.

Monty Dog

New Member
Park Tool sell a Tyre Boot specifically for the task. An old piece of heavyweight coated nylon fabric, from a waterproof jacket or bag also makes a decent tyre boot.


Legendary Member
Bits of old tyre are best, and can be left in place for quite long periods if required.
We had an economical chap in the club once who had 8 or 9 in place when he finally admitted the tyre was worn out.
I had a bike as a student (years ago...) which I bought 8th-hand and it had a huge cut in the back tyre sidewall, with a piece of fabric glued inside holding it together.

I had the bike a couple of years and no trouble with it, although I was never comfortable with it being like that (but never bothered to buy a new tyre either)

These days however...
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